A mystery.

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   A faint hum can be heard as it echoes through the dimly lit room. The young two-tailed fox Tails can be seen working on a large slender but sturdy airplane. The workshop is messy and dim with multiple different inventions scattered around on desks or corners.

Suddenly the ring of the twin-tailed fox's computer can be heard echoing through his workshop, curious, Tails returns to his computer only to see an email with the name 'AI-random'.
Tails raises a brow of confusion before he clicks onto the email and to his surprise he sees a message from Dr.Eggman himself. "What the hell..." Tails mutters under his breath.

Tails mumbles before his eyes widen in disbelief as he stares at the email for a moment. Eggman had died months ago by the cause of his own robot, though Tails had no idea why the evil doctors own robot would turn on him he left the information sit in the back of his head.
The young fox quickly shakes the shock from his head before he then reads the email with wide eyes.

'I know it has been some time and I also know that me asking you this is pathetic, even for me, but our world is in grave danger. You most likely know I'm dead, the reason for that is because a virus was entered into my robot causing it to deny my orders, foolish I'm aware. Besides that I need your help, the virus will spread to my robots and we both know there are hundreds. I need you to gather everyone, sonic, knuckles, Amy and even shadow. While you do that I can work on stalling and shutting down as much robots I can.'

The email reads, leaving tails shocked, he felt as if his legs were to give out any moment but he keeps his gaze toward the email for one last moment before he walks away from the computer and over to his bed to think if he should trust his greatest enemy or take the chance, His world could come to an end.

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