The search for the blue blur

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  Knuckles, Amy and Tails all walked along side each other while Tails held a disc in his gloved hands, it appeared to be tracking for traces of sonic. Suddenly Tails gasps and stops moving, instantly grabbing the attention of Knuckles and Amy. "What? You found him on your disc thingy?" Knuckles asks as he raises a brow before he peers over Tail's shoulder. The yellow fox gives a nod as he stared at the green transparent disc that had many different sound waves and flickering lights that neither Amy nor Knuckles could read.

"This way!" Tails exclaimed as he then raises off while his two tails flicked and moved vigorously with the speed he was running at. "Calm down you'll see him anyways!" The red echidna called out from behind Amy and Tails as he struggled to keep up with their speed. "Oh calm down knucklehead, we'll meet ya there!" Amy laughed as she speeds after Tails, Knuckles grumbles before speeding up, of course he wouldn't want to be left behind.

After a few minutes of running, Tails stops at a door inside the thick dark woods. The house Tails had stopped at was small and made of wood, most likely hand made. The two tailed fox then takes a breath to calm himself before he glances back at Amy and knuckles. He smiles in amusement to see Knuckles huffing and panting as he then slouches over before he regains his breath and lifts his head to look up at the door. Tails then knocks on the door as the loud sound of a few crashes and thumps can be heard, causing the trio to raise their eyebrows and lean backwards in confusion. After a few minutes of waiting, sonic answers. The blue hedgehog's eyes widen to see his friends.

"Sonic?" Tails muttered as he stared up at his best friend, the blue hedgehog looked almost unrecognizable. His once electric blue fur looked diluted and ruffled, his quills looked messy and unhealthy from the way they looked and under his green eyes were eye bags. He wore bandages on the ends of his quills and the tips of his ears with a few scars that couldn't heal properly or be hidden under his fur.
Sonic keeps quiet, he felt unsure of what he saw was true or if he had actually lost his sanity.

"Guys? What are you doing here? Something went wrong, something must've." Sonic speaks quick with a slight tremble in his tone as if he were always panicked or anxious about something. "Why don't we go inside? We can probably talk about it better inside." Amy suggested as she then offers a small smile, Sonic gives a gentle nod of agreement before he opens the door wider and steps inside the house to let his friends in

The three friends then walk inside, curious as they were to see sonics living space. It was small but big enough for one as the house was still a bit messy, the couch looked quite used and the kitchen had a few dirty dishes and food left out. Around the windows was darn and covered by a blanket or towel and most mirrors were taken out from the wall or completely removed.

Sonics friends then turn to look back at the blue hedgehog while he tapped his foot and shifted his position every so often, almost as if he were anxious or extremely impatient. "What happened? Is it Eggman? I heard news, he's dead correct?" Sonic spoke up quickly as the three friends then glance at each other before Knuckles speaks up. "Slow your roll, first of all can you at least tell us why you came to the middle of the forest and isolated yourself for ten years?" Knuckles asks, though it sounded more like a demand to know the answer for sonics decisions.

Sonic paces slightly to the side before he answers. "Guilt, too much guilt, couldn't save em, whose fault? Mine I'm the hero!" Sonic ranted quickly, surprising his friends with how anxious and how he spoke. "What happened? Why are you so...jittery?" Amy asks as she raised a brow. "I got anxious, too anxious, people will see me, I'm not a hero, hardly." Sonic replies to the pink hedgehog.

"Are you hungry? I have food, Knuckles looks hungry, Tails is taller a lot taller and Amy's scarier." Sonic says, even speaking of things inside his head. "You all look tired, I'll make food." Sonic smiled while Tails looked towards his older brother, he still felt a little relieved to hear he kept his compassion. Tails then furrows his eyebrows before he dashed towards Sonic and gives him a tight hug. The blue hedgehog flinches, having not been expected the sudden hug before he softens his expression and looks back at the twin tailed fox. Sonic was much shorter than Tails now,being just below Tail's chin.

  "You got so tall! Sonic comments, giving Tails a long deserved hug before he lets go after a moment and looks back up at his friend group. His green eyes met with their changed looks and grim expressions. "Something up?" Sonic asks, lifting a brow his eyes dart between each of his friends for an awaited reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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