034: all things come to an end

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Rick walked through the halls at eight the next morning, announcing to everyone that the isolation was over. He didn't say whether it'd worked or not but from the soft cries that rang out through the halls Rio suspected it hadn't for some people. Carl had gone to speak with his dad, bounding out of the room as soon as he heard the man's voice.

Daryl came in next, knocking on the wall of the room Rio was in. The boy got up quickly, jumping up at the man who barely caught him.

"You're too big to do that."

"Whatever." Rio smiled, still holding on. He let his legs dangle and Daryl turned trying to shake him off. The boy turned his head to laugh. "I missed you so much."

"I was only gone for two days."

"Two days is too long."

"I know." The man sighed, patting him on the back.

"I gotta tell you something." The boy whispered suddenly.

"What is it?" Daryl asked as Rio pulled back, stepping down to the ground. His brows were furrowed in what looked like concern.

He thought for a moment, wondering if he was actually going to talk to Daryl about what had happened last night. "I'll... I'll tell you later." The boy decided.

"Is it bad news?"

"Does it look like bad news?" Rio giggled. Daryl just shook his head in response. "I'm allowed to see Glenn now, right?"

"You're ditching telling me this big secret for Glenn?" The man teased.

"I need to make sure his heart's still beatin' and I think that's more important."

"It is. I'm just messing with you." Daryl smiled. "Maggie's out here, go speak to her."


The boy hurried out of the hall and found Maggie speaking with Beth. The younger girl waved Rio over. He stood with them, Beth holding Judith as Maggie fussed over the babe.

"How've you been?" She asked her sister.

"I've been alright. How's Glenn?"

"I'm gonna go see him." Rio said.

"Are you now?" Maggie asked, raising a brow at him.

"Will you take me?" The boy asked, looking up at her. Maggie just nodded, giving him a small smile.

"I'm leaving in five minutes, get your shoes on and we'll head out."

"Okay." Rio walked back into his room and found Carl sat down by the cabinets, eyes fluttering shut. His conversation with Rick must've been short.

"Hey." The boy said, peeking an eye open.

"Hi." Rio smiled back. "I'm gonna go see Glenn. Are you coming?" He asked, sitting down beside Carl.

"Sure." He mumbled, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm going now."

"Okay." Carl nodded, he reached out to grab the shirt that was on the floor next to him, throwing it on over the one he'd worn to sleep. Rio was about to judge when he realized that he'd done the same. His long white sleeved shirt was covered by a flannel that the boy was almost certain was Carls.

He got up and sat on the table, grabbing his boots and lacing them up. Whilst he was waiting for the other boy to get dressed Rio dragged himself outside. Maggie wasn't waiting by the door like she'd said she would. Beth was instead.

"Where's Maggie?"

"She said she wanted to see Glenn alone for a few minutes."


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