Hunters Exam!?

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Isabel's P.O.V:

Me and Y/n have been working for Miss Ardella for seven years now, Me and Y/n are twelve now. life has been good. We wake up, get dressed, clean what we've been assigned, and then we go out and train with Reily. Sometimes when Miss Ardella goes out into the city, she takes us with her. On our birthday, she takes us out to get whatever we want. And then she takes us to eat at a fancy restaurant. 

Yesterday Reily told us she had something important to tell us today and told us to wait for her at the training grounds. So now we're at the training grounds waiting for her. Y/n and I are very excited to know what the important thing she has to tell us is. I turn to Y/n and say "When do you think she'll get here?" I tilt my head as she responds, "I don't know... She sure is taking her time though." Y/n crosses her arms with a pout. I nod in agreement, "She is taking a while..." I say and look up at the sky. Both me and Y/n jump in surprise when we hear Reily talk behind us. "Hey Girls!" Reily says and hugs us both, Me and Y/n hug her back and smile "Hi Reily!" We say in unison. 

Reily beams and steps back and lets us go, "What's the important thing you have to tell us Reily?" Y/n asks. "Well! I'll tell you after we go shopping!" Reily says while beaming. Me and Y/n stare at her in confusion and surprise, "Why are you taking us shopping...?" I ask skeptically. "Well.... I wanted to shop and thought I should bring you two." Reily explains, Reily grabs our hands and drags into the city. Me and Y/n make surprised sounds as she drags us into the city, Reily drags us past many stores until we reach one. She drags us inside the store before we're able to see what the store is called.

Reily lets us go when we've entered the store, I catch my balance and look around the store. There are a bunch of clothes everywhere, dresses, pants, skirts, shoes, bows, ribbons and more. "U-Uhhh... Reily? Why are we here?" Y/n asks in confusion, Reily chuckles "To shop of course!" Reily says. Reily starts picking out multiple outfits while we watch in bewilderment. Reily finally stops picking out outfits after a few minutes, and instead pushes us into a changing room and puts three outfits each into the changing room with us.

"Huh!?" I exclaim in surprise, "What the-!?" I hear Y/n say from the changing room next to mine. Reily chuckles from outside the changing rooms, "Try them on!" Reily says. I look down at the three outfits Reily had given me. The first outfit consists of a Light Blue dress, white stockings, black heels, and a white ribbon to be tied into my hair. The second outfit consists of a black tank top, black shorts, black socks, a black cloak, and black heels. The third and final outfit consists of a long, flowy, light blue dress, White high heels, and some accessory's.

I raise an eyebrow at the outfits, The first Light Blue dress stops just above the knees, and looks incredibly easy to move around in, possibly even fight in. The white heels that go with the first outfit look to be strongly reinforced, I'd imagine it'd hurt to get kicked by someone wearing those heels. The white stockings seem to be made of a reinforced stretchy material.

 The tank top from the second outfit is stretchy, reinforced, and if worn in a dark place would make the person almost impossible to see. The black shorts seem to be pretty much the same as the tank top but seem to be able to hold a lot of sharp stuff. The black socks seem to be just to help blend with the dark. The black cloak seems to be used for staying out of sight in the dark or to hold small weapons, like daggers. And the Black heels seem to be just as reinforced as the white heels are. 

The long, flowy, light blue dress seems to be good for hiding weapons, Viles of poison, it also seems to be good for fancy parties. the White high heels are taller than the other heels and the heel looks sharp.

"...What in the world Reily...?" I sigh and try on all the outfits and then change back into my other clothes and walk out of the changing room and stand in front of Reily. Y/n walks out of the changing room a little while after me, we both stare at Reily waiting for an explanation. "I'll explain after I buy the outfits." Reily says with a smile, She buys the outfits and then takes us back to the Manor. We sit in front of her at the training grounds.

Reily sighs, "I've spent a while thinking about this... and I've realized there isn't anything I can teach you two..." She pauses and takes a minute and then continues, "I've talked to Ardella about this already... and we've both decided to have you take the Hunters Exam." Reily says and looks at us. Me and Y/n tilt our head, "Hunters Exam? What's that?" We ask. Reily sighs and explains. After she explained what the hunter's exam was, our eyes widen in shock, "You're sending us to the hunters Exam?" I ask. Reily nods, "Yes, that's why we went shopping today. I'm sure you noticed how odd and reinforced the clothes were..." Reily says. We nod, Me and Y/n think for a moment. "When do we go?" Y/n asks, Reily looks down at us and says, "You'll have to leave tomorrow if you want to catch the boat..." Reily sighs. 

Me and Y/n look at each other and smile, We then look at Reily and hug her. Reily looks surprised and looks down at us. "I'm so excited!" I say, "Yea! We should train until dinner!" Y/n says. We run off to train while Reily stares at us as we run off in shock. We spend hours training until it's time for dinner, and then we eat dinner, go back to our rooms, take a bath, get dressed for bed, and go to bed feeling excited for tomorrow. And as I lay in bed, I stare up at the ceiling and let myself drift off to sleep.

In the morning when I wake up I see Y/n already getting dressed. I swing my legs out my bed and stand up. I change into the first outfit that we bought yesterday; I look over to Y/n and see she had also changed into one of the outfits we bought yesterday (You can imagine the outfit you're wearing however you want.) I smile and put the other two outfits into my bag and put in my nightgown as well. Y/n also puts the two other outfits she got yesterday into her bag as well. We put our bags on and leave our room and head down to the docks, we see Reily and Miss Ardella already there waiting for us.

Reily smiles at us "Be safe." She says, Miss Ardella hugs us tightly and says, "Please be careful and keep yourselves safe." She back up and lets us go with a smile on her face. We nod and say, "We will!" We walk onto the ship and look at all the guys there. They all sneered at us since not only were we girls, but we were twelve-year-olds as well. We hear a boy yelling something about being 'the best hunter in the world' to his family and other people. Me and Y/n look at each other and smile.

When we had first arrived in this world and heard this island was named Whale Island we had our doubts, but now that we had heard of the Hunters Exam and had seen Gon. Our doubts had disappeared. We are in our favorite anime, Hunter X Hunter.

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