Chapter 3 - My Own Path

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Garner settled on the edge of the lagoon, a familiar spot he often frequented for his fishing expeditions. The public cemetery that once stood near his home had been transformed into a vast expanse of water, its remnants lost to the ravages of war.

In its place emerged a crystal-clear lagoon, a mesmerizing spectacle teeming with life. Fish of an unknown species darted and danced amidst the azure depths, their scales shimmering like iridescent jewels under the sun's caress. Their presence was a testament to the lagoon's resilience, a symbol of life amidst the ruins of the past.

"Those people in the kingdom," he muttered angrily, his voice barely a whisper yet heavy with the weight of unspoken resentments. "I will make them pay."

It had been a month now since his beloved elder sister had been taken away by the kingdom's authority, her whereabouts unknown. The uncertainty gnawed at Garner's heart, fueling his growing resentment towards the kingdom. Every night, the sight of his mother's tear-stained face, her grief an ocean too deep to fathom, only intensified his desire for vengeance.

The gentle lapping of the waves against his boat provided a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. As he gazed into the depths of the lagoon, the shimmering reflections of the fish seemed to mock his helplessness.

Just a few meters away at the lagoon, the sight of a newly emerged forest of the unknown is visible in his sorrowful yet angry eyes.

It was dusk, and the light of the sunset shone into the forest. With the newly emerged unknown creature, this forest has been restricted by the kingdom from traveling.

Garner deftly maneuvered his small boat towards the lagoon's shore, his practiced hands expertly handling the oars. As he approached the sandy bank, he tightened the rope securing the boat, ensuring it would remain steadfast amidst the gentle lapping of the waves.

Putting down his fishing gear, he headed in the direction of the unknown forest in his sight.

Once a vibrant hub of life, the forest now stands as a forgotten relic, its former grandeur swallowed by the relentless march of nature. Garner recalled the days when laughter echoed through these woods when children's games filled the air with merriment. But that was before the Orb, a celestial enigma that had transformed the familiar into the foreign.

Garner ventured deeper into the forest, his footsteps guided by an insatiable curiosity. The forest seemed to expand with each step, its towering trees casting long, menacing shadows. An eerie symphony of unidentified sounds filled the air, unsettling the tranquility of the forest. The rustling of leaves danced to the rhythm of the wind, whispering in the breeze that carried tales of ancient secrets.

A shroud of mist draped itself over the path ahead, obscuring the way forward. Garner hesitated, a chill running down his spine. The atmosphere crackled with an otherworldly energy, reminiscent of the chilling scenes from horror movies he'd watched as a child. He swallowed hard, his heart pounding against his ribs. A yearning for the warmth and security of his home tugged at his resolve. He glanced back towards the lagoon, his eyes drawn to the familiar sight of his humble abode. The sight of his home, an oasis amidst the encroaching darkness, fueled his determination. With a newfound resolve, he pressed onward into the misty embrace of the forest.

His father, Amyr, had always cautioned him against venturing into the Unknown Forest, warning that inviting trouble was inevitable. Yet, despite the stern warnings, an irresistible force—a siren's call of the unknown—beckoned Garner deeper into the woods.

Unaware of what awaited him, Garner unknowingly took a step forward, crossing the invisible threshold into the enigmatic forest. As he traversed the overgrown path, a sense of awe washed over him. The forest was a surreal symphony of colors and textures, reminiscent of a fairytale or a magical anime world.

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