Chapter 5 - Chase

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Gasping for air, I bolted away from home, my heart pounding like a drum against my chest. How could this happen so suddenly? Just moments ago, I stumbled out of that mysterious forest, and now I'm hurtling right back into its depths? Blast it all! Garner cursed inwardly, his spirit weighed down by despair.

With each step he took, he pushed his legs to their limits, fearing that the kingdom's watchful eyes might catch sight of him. He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them. The capture of his elder sister's fate already gnawed at him; he couldn't bear another blow.

A day earlier, atop the kingdom's outpost tower, the seeker's gaze swept across the sprawling landscape bathed in moonlight. The night sky stretched endlessly above, a magnificent canvas adorned with a million glittering stars.

Suddenly, a brilliant beam of light pierced the darkness, its radiance drawing her attention. A knowing smirk played on her lips as she turned to the guard. "That place again," she murmured.

"Prepare the Aerocorn," she commanded, a resolute tone underlying her words. "We pursue the taker."

From the shadows, the Aerocorn emerged, a creature of breathtaking beauty. Its slender, equine body shimmered with a pearlescent sheen, its coat shifting colors like a captured rainbow. Powerful legs, capable of traversing the vast expanse of sky, propelled it forward.

With a snort that echoed through the night, the Aerocorn launched itself into the sky. Its legs pounded against the invisible air currents, propelling it forward at astonishing speed. The tapestry of land unfolded beneath them, a mosaic of verdant forests, rolling grasslands, and the remnants of past conflicts. Their destination lay far beyond the horizon, over 1000 kilometers away, but the Aerocorn was a creature of unmatched agility, and soon they would be upon it.

"That family was lucky enough to have two takers," The seeker said while her hair was blown elegantly by the strong wind.


The unearthly beam cleaved the forest's inky heart, painting the Silvermist family's faces in stark terror. "No! What have you done, Garner?" he rasped, his worried features etched in the harsh light. He flickered a glance at his wife's equally stricken face, then to his remaining daughter, Nova. His mind churned, a maelstrom of uncertainty. Flee? Hide? The beam, a relentless beacon in the night, amplified his panic.

"We must prepare for the worst," he declared, his voice heavy with grim resolve. "If Garner shows up, we need him to leave immediately." A flurry of desperate action filled the air. A backpack gaped open, swallowing clothes, food, tools - everything he could carry into the unknown. Each item is a desperate prayer.
After Garner's departure roughly five hours earlier, Amyr and his family hurriedly gathered their belongings. Anyone witnessing their actions might have assumed they were preparing to flee, but the truth was quite contrary. Amyr glanced skyward, his eyes locking onto several distant dots steadily converging towards them.

Seven aerocorns, bearing the emblem of the kingdom's authorities, alighted at their doorstep mere moments later. As a figure dismounted and approached the Silvermist family, her scrutinizing gaze swept across each member, her left eyebrow arching inquisitively.

"Amyr, where is he?" Her voice carried a weight of stern authority.

"You'll never find him, seeker" Amyr's response held an unwavering resolve.

"You people never learn; you cannot challenge the kingdom's influence," she retorted, a smug curl on her lips.

"Burn the house until it billows smoke," she commanded.
Another figure dismounted, pacing deliberately towards the house. With a flourish, he cupped his palm, conjuring a fierce orange flame that swelled and crackled. With practiced precision, he flung the fire into the house, unleashing an inferno that consumed it in moments. The controlled manipulation of the flames created a plume of smoke that ascended, darkening the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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