Chapter 1

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Damon POV:

'It's raining today' I think to myself as I stare out the window in my bedroom. 'Not like I would have noticed... I can't hear it' I think bitterly. It's been a week since I took the cure with Elena. Being human has been... an adjustment, to say the least. Everything feels different, I'm slower than I used to be. My eyes aren't as sharp as they once were. And my hearing... that might be the one change that's the hardest to get used to. I'm jumpier than normal too; not being able to hear people sneak up on me. Which is why when Elena walked through the door to the boarding house I didn't notice. I didn't hear when she walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I blame it on being too lost in thought to have heard... definitely not my very bad, very human hearing.

"Damon?" Elena called softly as she walked from my door to my bed. I jumped slightly at her voice to which she gave an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry" she says. I smile at her. She looks tired. Between the recent attack on Jo during her and Rics wedding, then the defeat of Kai, which took a lot out of everyone, to finishing her degree at Whitmore... I can't blame her for feeling worn down. But that never stopped her from helping me with my recent adjustments to this new human life.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me as she sits on my bed. I look at her and then back out my window before answering.

"I'm just a little tired that's all" I tell her... which isn't wrong. I've been feeling tired lately. It's weird. "A little hungry too actually" I add on as I smirk at her and walk towards her on the bed.

"Damon... you can be honest with me. You must have some sort of feeling about having to leave Mystic Falls" she comments.

To be honest, I don't want to leave. But I know it's best for us. The news of two vampires who somehow un-undeaded themselves has spread throughout the supernatural world and enemies are wandering their way to good ole Mystic Falls just waiting to get their fangs on the cure ultimately killing Elena and I.

"Well I don't want to leave... things finally look like they're starting to calm down and of course I want to build our lives together here. But it's just not worth the risk" I say to her. She knows this. We've had this conversation time and time again. But I know she's upset by it. So I try to be as comforting as I can.

"I know" she replies. "I'm just scared. This is my home" she looks down but that doesn't stop me from noticing the tears in her eyes.

"Hey hey baby it's gonna be ok" I say pulling her into a hug. "It's for the best. And after a couple of years this will all blow over and Stefan will come get us and undo the compulsion. It'll all go back to normal we just have to wait it out" at this she nods and I pull her down on the bed. Eventually I notice her breathing even out and I can tell she's asleep.

I lay there holding her and thinking about all the uncertainties we're going to face. I start to drift off before one last thought enters my mind. What's going to happen in this new life of ours?

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