Chapter 11

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Damon's POV:

"Why did you make it so early?" I whined to Elena as I opened her side of the car door for her . We're going to her doctor's appointment today. I am excited. But I am also exhausted. It's 6 in the morning and her appointment is at 7. I don't understand why we're leaving so early either. We live 10 minutes away...

"Because it was either that or 4 PM and I don't want to wait that long!" She smiles at me. Her excitement is contagious but that still doesn't make me a morning person.

We get in the car and I start driving to the doctor. Elena turns in her seat and looks at me excitedly and says "what do you want it to be?" Referring to the baby's sex. Honestly I don't have an opinion. I just want a healthy baby I don't care whether it's a boy or girl. I love our baby either way.

"I don't know. I don't think I really have a preference" I say to her as I grab her hand. After a moment of peaceful silence I hear her sigh and I notice her tapping her leg. "You seem nervous" I point out to her. "A little. I feel like once we know what we're having it's going to really set in. Not that it hasn't felt real... but the thought of finally having to go through labor eventually is just starting to catch up to me. It's scary"

I look over at her smile and she just shrugs "I'm being silly" she says and laughs. "No you're not baby I just can't imagine how it must feel" I say to her. "My part was the easy part. You're doing all the hard work" I tease to try and easy her nerves and it seems to work as this brings a laugh out of her and she says "no no you're taking the first week of night shift dad"

I smile to myself 'dad' it's going to take some time to get used to that. It's a good change though. We drive the rest of the way in silence. Once we get there and get checked in Elena is called back almost instantly being the first appointment of the day.

The nurse comes into the room and tells Elena to undress and put a sheet over her legs. The usual procedure at these appointments. The first couple I would make jokes about her getting naked for the doctor. But today I can tell is too important to make a joke out of it. The doctor comes in and has a small conversation with Elena asking her standard questions about how she's been feeling and how the pregnancy has been since the last appointment.

The doctor eventually gets her machines turned on and brings it to Elena's belly. I grab Elena's hand as we look at the grainy image of our baby, which I still can't make out anything but gray and black, but Elena looks at it eagerly so I just pretend to know what I'm seeing.

"Alright mom and dad, are you ready to find out what the little one is?" The doctor says happily. Elena doesn't hesitate to answer and she looks over to me and smiles. I kiss our linked hands and place them back on the side of the bed.
The doctor keeps moving the machine over Elena before saying "Congratulations on your baby girl!"

At this Elena sits up from the bed and bumps the doctor's machine in the process. She throws her arms around me and says "we're having a little girl Damon!" I feel the joy overcome me and my eyes tear up just a little. I hug her back and laugh unable to say anything. I understand what she meant earlier... the pregnancy was always real but knowing we're having a baby girl just brings it all together now. It's surreal.

As usual the doctor gives us our sonogram pictures and sends us to the front desk to schedule the 8 months appointment. She wishes us another congratulations and we're out the door.

When we get to the car Elena ambushes me with another hug and slams her lips against mine. Not that I'm complaining, but the force of it and being caught off guard knocked me over and into the side of the car. I break the kiss and laugh at her behavior. She's beaming and she looks absolutely beautiful. "Easy there baby" I say to her. "I'm sorry I'm just so excited! We have to go baby shopping now!" She says as she runs, well... waddles... to her side of the car and opens the door to get in. I hear her yell "come on!" As she closed the door. I just laugh at her excitement.

I get in the car and drive us to breakfast first, knowing that she'll get cranky and hungry half way through shopping if she doesn't eat anything. The whole drive to the restaurant she's talking about baby names and clothes and what toys to get the baby. The name is bit of a disagreement between us. Elena is set on the name Lily. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I know it was my mother's name but apart from that I remember nothing about my mother. It's like a weird hole in my memory I can't explain. Because of this I'm on the fence about the name but I know Elena likes it so I think I could get used to it.

Elena spends the rest of the day in a bubble of excitement and going on about all the things we bought for the baby. By the time we get home I can tell she's on the verge of sleep so I lead her upstairs to the bedroom and urge her to rest while I make dinner. Though, once it was done I tried to wake her and she wasn't budging. I quickly ate a small bit and wrapped the rest up for her in the morning. I head upstairs after and shower so I can go to bed. I don't even bother to put clothes back on I just crawl into bed behind Elena and wrap her up in my arms. She nuzzles closer in her sleep and I rest my hand on her belly and kiss her head goodnight before falling into a peaceful sleep thinking about our little girl.

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