Chapter 7

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They pull onto the street at the same time. Anntonia can see Michelle turning into their driveway so she steps on the gas and crashes right into the side of her car.

"HEY! That's three times Ann!" Michelle shouts.

"That's what you get for putting a hole in my window!" Anntonia glares.

"You owe me a Range Rover!"

Anntonia ignores her and puts her car into reverse before pulling into the driveway and running into the house.

With a groan of frustration Michelle shuts off the car and chases after her. She tries to open the front door but of course it's locked.

"Hey Michelle!" Jack, one of her neighbors waves as he walks his dog.

Michelle looks over her shoulder briefly. "Hey Jack!" She says distractedly.

"Uh are you alright?" He asks seeing as she's just in a thong and a blouse.


"Okay. By the way Michelle your car is just hanging out over the side walk here!"

"Yeah, Thanks Jack!" Michelle says while climbing the back gate.

"Have a good night!" He waves.


Hiding behind a tree she hears the back door open. She sneaks a peak, carefully looking around the tree. Anntonia stood in the doorway with an Assault rifle in hand, her eyes meticulously scanning the backyard.

"Is that mine?" Michelle whispers unbelievably. "Oh honey you are so dead." She shakes her head.

Anntonia closes the door and locks it giving Michelle the clear to move. Quickly diving behind a bush to hide she immediately regrets it.

"Ow ow ow. Stupid roses." She grumbles. Sneaking around the back she manages to find a part that she can scale to the second floor.

Quietly doing so she looks into the window of the house to see if the coast is clear. She smashes the window open with her elbow waiting a second before unlocking it and opening it.

Climbing through She stealthily walks over to a picture frame. Clicking the secret button it slides open to reveal one of her weapons Anntonia failed to discover. She quickly retrieved the pistol, screwing the silencer on and loading it before leaving to find Anntonia.


Anntonia is waiting in the stairwell with her gun raised, while Michelle waited on the other side of the wall with her own gun ready.

Grabbing a framed photo of them, Michelle uses it to peak around the corner. The second she sees Anntonia in the reflection a loud bang blows just behind her head making her duck. Two more follow before it's dead silent.

"You still alive baby?" Anntonia calls down the stairs.

Michelle fakes a groan and pretends to drop her gun on the ground. Anntonia slowly lowers her gun in suspicion. Just when she's caught off guard Michelle aims her gun around the corner and shoots at her.

They all miss making Michelle curse.

Quickly running for cover Anntonia fires shots through the wall mercilessly.

Sneaking around the corner Michelle knows Anntonia is on the other side of the wall. Raising her arm She accidentally knocks over one of Anntonia's glass teapots. Her reflexes manages to catch it just in time. Closing her eyes in frustration the lid slips off and shatters onto the ground giving her position away.

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