Roxanne Perez-The Prodigy's Night

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Getting out of those sheets and stuff mattress is a workout in of itself. The shower under the hot water, I wish sometimes I could just stay in here for way longer than I should without having to worry about somebody saying to get out or without it getting into a water bill.
The steam rising up and out, seeping through the bathroom.

"Geez.....The hot water almost feels hotter than usual today."

      After that quick shower, my mind was primarily focused on Roxanne. We would meet up today.

"What else would we possibly do again?"

      Getting on my pants and shoes, I made sure to be properly dre-Oh who am I kidding. What do I have to be properly dressed for? I'm just going to hang out a little bit with Roxanne. Not like I'm having dinner with a high ranking executive.
Might as well throw on a Friday The 13th The Final Chapter shirt. One with a knife going through Jason's left eye. Truly one of the better entries in the franchise, aside from 2 and 6. Mostly because of Crispin Glover and his crisp dance moves.
At the door, I did not expect a knock. Was she already there or was she waiting on me? Turning the door and pulling back, there Roxanne was, hands behind her back, with her gray Nightmare On Elm Street shirt and her slick blue jeans. Her dark eyes glaring up and staring a whole through me.
We had shared a moment of no words, just a hushed tone of the wind with the bright morning sun hovering around in the baby blue sky. I only said to her,

"Nice shirt."

"Thanks. Same to you. Big horror guy."

"Yep. Guess you are as well?"


"How long have you been out here for?"

"Me? I just got here about a minute ago.....Only knocked when I felt like it......"

Gee I can hear Gary in my head saying,

'What are you doing eh? You just got a girl at your door waiting for you ehhhhhh??'

"You ok?"

"Huh? Oh yeah....Sorry just lost in my thoughts for a second......"

"Good to know......Sooooo What do you want to do today?"

"......I don't know....."

"It's early though......"

"What time is it?"


"I'd like to get some lunch......Not really craving breakfast today...."

"The most important meal of the day?"

"I go light on breakfast. A few pieces of fruit and some bacon will get me through the day..."

"What kinds of fruit?"

"Apples, Oranges, Bananas, and Pears."

"You like Pears?"

"Yeah. They're pretty underrated when it comes to fruit."

"I do like pears they have a good texture in a fruit salad."

"Love me some fruit salad."

"Man....I am hungry though....What would you want for lunch?"

"I'm mostly good for anything......Except for sushi....Not the biggest fan of sushi.

"That's ok. How about we just get a local fast food joint......I know of this obscure place down the road...."

"What's it called?"

The Poisoned Storm

"Cute Name....Seems Familiar...."

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