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ASUNA'S EYES GLIMMERED, the warm glow of the fireplace reflecting off of them

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ASUNA'S EYES GLIMMERED, the warm glow of the fireplace reflecting off of them. Her grip on the bottle tightened as she stared at the crackling fire, her gaze blank. As she lifted the bottle to her lips, she heard the sound of the doors swing open.

"It's still open!!"

She winced slightly, hearing a loud boisterous shout ring out in the all but empty restaurant. His presence was large, confident, and somehow... warm. There was a moment of pause where she debated whether or not to leave the restaurant. It was clear from the way he stepped that he was a demon slayer.

To her slight surprise, he decided to take the bar seat right next to hers. Out of all the empty seats in the restaurant he chose that one. Ah, what great luck.

With a slight twitch of the corner of her lip, she took a sip of the alcohol that seemed to burn her insides ever so slightly.

"What can I get you, Sir?"

The chef leaned against the counter, wiping his hands of the ash obtained from the grill.

"One bowl of miso with sweet potato please," the male smiled, "thank you."

"You got it!"

Asuna took the chance to gaze over at the male who had decided to sit beside her, eyes widening slightly after seeing his very bold appearance.

He had bright yellow hair with flaming red tips at the ends. His dark eyebrows accentuated his reddish-orange pupils that, under the gleam reflecting off of the fireplace, seemed to glow.

"It's great to have a restaurant close-by that opens so late at night," the male commented, leaning back in his seat.

"You bet," the chef laughed, "I don't get many customers around here. This young lady has stuck around a long time."

Asuna grimaced, covering it with a forced laugh. She was right, she should've left. Now she had to have a conversation with this man.

"It's been that long? I can't believe it," She lied through her teeth, "it's always open when I come."

Which is late at night.

"The food is to die for," she added, leaning back in her chair as she placed her heels onto the counter.

"Hmm this place must be good if a beautiful lady like yourself says so," the male smiled, "hard night?"

While the male before her had made quite the explosive entrance, he seemed to tone it down a bit when in conversation. Though, he was certainly still louder than need be. At least in the princess's opinion.

"You could say that," she muttered, watching the liquor swish from side to side as she rotated the bottle.

Demons could not get drunk, their bodies broke down the poisons like acid. But Asuna's body was different. Whether it was because she was born part human, or the other reason, she could still feel tipsy after drinking.

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