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im actually so normal about vanessa >_> !! (lie) im married to her, btw (truth)

1 she loves gifting you flowers on random occasions!! whether she just got back from her shift or if she just feels like getting you a flower! (will occasionally drop off flowers, EVEN WHEN IT'S MIDNIGHT to show that she cares and thinks about u a lot :3) (my girl so silly)

2 has the most immaculate music taste ever and will ramble about it <3 (music is her distraction)

3 actually despises her father after all the years of being threatened and her father viewing her just as a pawn to try and control, but she doesn't have the heart to actually hate her father!! (how could she when her father was the only family she had left) (she still loves him..)

4 cuddles n hugs! loves cuddling with you, will randomly hug you from behind, giving kisses, saying how pretty u are and how lucky she is !! :3

5 not too fond of pda >_>, like the whole hugging... kissing things in public! because other people don't need to see how desperate you look once she starts being all touchy with u! that's for her eyes only! >_< (but she will hold hands w you on the way to a place!! and u get to feel her soft n warm hands.. !! ough <3)

6 spaces out a lot!! gets distracted by her own thoughts, but she's working on trying to reduce that habit of hers for you! to be a better listener and all! :))

7 puts herself down a lot due to her growing up, being fed words like how she's never good enough.. how she's a disappointment to her father... and how she never listens to his orders.. my girl has low self-esteem :((, but she's everything, absolutely perfect, mesmerizing, angelic, in ur eyes, who in their right mind would feed her words like that?? >_> 

8 "in a world of boys, she's a gentleman" heavy on the lyrics. will do everything in her power to make you feel SEEN!! and loved!! to shower you with the kind of love she never got in her childhood.. remembers tiny details about u, and she fully loves u for who u are <3

9 plays with her clothes when she's nervous.. or when she's all giddy and excited! (i think this js just. so cute. based on that one scene where she's playing with her sleeves >_<)

10 she loves reading!! loves annotating sentences that remind her of you! and when you're cuddling, she'll get her books and show you the annotated parts and explain why it reminds her of u.... >_> (ssosoosos silly of vanessa, shes so cute :33)

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