anything | bly manor

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owen figured.

observing the way she holds the cup of tea in her hand, her dainty fingers carefully holding the ceramic, and for a moment, she ponders into the liquid, miles away. she sets it down on the table, untouched, still warm, and when he asks, hannah simply smiles and rubs the back of her neck: "i've had enough tea today."

and later that night, he cooks for the au pair, the gardener, the wingrave children, and the housekeeper whom he keeps close to his heart. he finds the housekeeper denying his creation again, pondering to the dish served in front of her; simply saying: "i've already eaten, owen."

owen simply raises his glasses, "oh please, love. i insist, just a spoon." a towel on his shoulder, crossing his arms. hannah shakes her head. and owen knows what a stubborn woman she is, he only nods, grabbing the dish from the table, setting it on the counter for later.

owen figured.

when he asked her to move to paris with him, where they could open a restaurant. living the rest of their lives in a cozy flat, leaving bly manor. she doesn't answer, only stares to the bottle of wine. she asked, what she's even gonna do there. to that, owen answered: "eat pastries, drink good wine. and live, hannah. live."

hannah only stares intently. and she smiles, opening her mouth to say yes, owen. i would love that. only to be interrupted by the gardener and the au pair following behind.

owen figured.

she was nowhere to be found that night. henry wakes up, revived, owen asks. he only leads the gardener and him to the well.

the cook, owen, looks down to the bottom of the well, and his stomach turns. the gardener stands beside him. henry tells him what the housekeeper wanted to say: that she loved him, that she's sorry.

owen figured.

the lingering touches, the awful puns he had uttered out, always gaining a laugh from the housekeeper, whom he loved. no, still loves. and he says, to the au pair and the gardener, nothing was better than that woman's laugh.

he loved her the whole way.

and the rest? it's just confetti.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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