Unfortunate circumstances

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"Yo Sam," Zac said into the phone. "What's up? You tryna go out tonight?"

"Nigga, last time we went out, your ass tried to fight me." Sam said. "If we not about to have fun like old times I'm good."

"Look I ain't on that shit no more, I'm a single man." Zac said. "We can hit up our old spot."

"Don't invite Zels party pooping ass this time," Sam replied. "And nigga what happened to you and the singer chick?"

"Man you know how these broads are, Zac is too broke for them so they leave. I mean I make a little money but I guess that ain't enough for her." Zac shrugged. "Anyways bro,"

"Man you'll come up one day and when you do all these bitches will regret the way they did you." Sam said.

"Woah bro, she's not a bitch, don't get ahead of yourself. That's still my kids mother." Zac let him know.

"Kids? Nigga you nutted in that? I mean are you sure it's for you? She is a industry chick." Sam questioned.

"Bro didn't I just tell you to watch your mouth? Yes I'm sure it's for me! And even if it wasn't, Amir will always be my son! So either way she has my child and you not going to disrespect her." Zac said sternly.

"Listen to you nigga, you're brainwashed. The fact you said even if it wasn't means you know in your heart that she played you." Sam grew this dislike for Fatima after the club incident and he felt like she was stealing his friend from him.

"Nigga nobody is brainwashed!" Zac said with attitude.

"Then prove it! You said after Ciara you were done with that love shit so stand on that! When we go out tonight, the first bad bitch you see, you have to hit it." Sam said, "unless you too stuck on shorty."

"Ain't nobody stuck on her! She think I need her and I don't. Ima show her that shit man she pursued me and this how she treating me? She knew I ain't have shit when she met me now she looking for any excuse to leave." Zac said with anger. "Fuck her! I'll see you tonight bro."

"That's the brother I remember! See you tonight bro." Sam and Zac were finally off the phone. Zac pulled out of Fatima's driveway and headed back to his old apartment.


Inside the house, Fatima gathered herself and went upstairs to check on Amir. When she walked in he was bald up in his pillow crying. She sat on the bed next to him and rubbed his back.

"Buddy, can you sit up and let me talk to you?" Fatima asked him. He sat up, eyes red, looking at her but he didn't say anything.

"Now, I understand how you feel and why you feel that way but you were wrong and you need to say sorry to your father." Fatima says. "He's not leaving you, he's still your dad, he's still going to be able to see you and spend time with you. However, he needs to spend a little time at his own house because mommy needs some space. " she explained. "If you want to go over there, you can also do that too. Stop crying." She wiped his face. "You have to learn to calm down because everyone is not Ricky and Zac promised not to leave you and he meant that."

"But he said-"

"Mir stop, he didn't say he was leaving you personally, he meant he was leaving the house." Fatima told him.

"Can I call him now?" Amir sniffles.

"Yeah, get your iPad." Fatima didn't want to even be bothered but she wasn't about to let her emotions effect him and Amir's relationship. Amir grabbed his iPad and called Zac and he immediately answered.

"Hey daddy," he said. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay man, I know you didn't mean it. " Zac told him. "Are you okay?"

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