Chapter 4 - Their Gifts Awaits

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Faded Star Arc

For the past few days at her parents house, being nothing but peaceful, Yume decided to read the get well soon letters that had been sent to her parents house. Yume's mother, who is on leave from work to take care of her child is watching over her from the kitchen as she has a few dishes that needed to be clean.

Every now and then she would take some of her time to look at what Yume had been up to just to be sure her child is fine. Seeing that Yume is reading the letters, with a faint smile she hope that it'll give her the spark she had lost, even if it's just a little. To a parent such as her, it would mean a lot to see their child happy once more.

*Knock knock*

A sudden knock came from the door. The mother went to see who it might be. "Oh my! It's Koharu!" Said the woman with surprise. Curious, she asked the teen of her supposed work of the day. "What about your work?"

"It's alright. I managed to get it all done and cleared especially to have today's off." Said Koharu in an attempt to lessen the mother's worry. The two of them began to talk more as an opportunity to chat once in a while as they were waiting for Yume to get ready. Their chat went on until Yume had gone up to them, as to indicate that she had gotten ready to head out with her friend.

"Oh, Yume seems to be ready to go. Well then, I hope you two have fun out there! Be sure to be back before eight!" The mother's voice became louder as the teens walked further away from Yume's house. After feeling satisfied with seeing the two friends away, she went back into the house.

Right before going on their way, Koharu responded to Yume's mother to assure her of their safe and somewhat punctual return. "We will!" She yelled.

As time went by, the eyes could see the two friends at a famous cafe located somewhat nearby their town. Due to the store's popularity for its delicious crepe and sweet ice cream of many flavours, the cafe would be full of customers almost everyday.
Upon the girls entry, the customers and workers were surprised to see a real life glimpse of the idols. Especially Yume, being the much talked about subject of gossip and the many rumours of the populace as of now.

Of course, this is mostly due to the fact that Yume, who was supposedly missing a few months prior and her unknown idol status at the moment. Many questions filled their minds as they tried to comprehend whether or not Yume would return to the stage or possibly at any other kind of entertainment.
Even though a dozen eyes kept staring ups and down at the two friends, Yume is the only one not bothered in the slightest. Seeing such resilience made Koharu admired Yume evermore but saddened when she thought of it as a side effect of the incident.

Although in grief, she figured now is not the time for it and shook it away as she wants to help Yume to open up and finally be joyous as she used to. After finishing their parfait and ice cream crepe, they went to the mall nearby. The girls tried out various clothes and even bought some of them as a way to celebrate Yume's recovery.
From time to time Koharu notices a slight smile on Yume's face. Seeing it makes her glad that this activity of theirs still sticks to Yume's memory. This proves that her condition is progressing in a positive way.

While in the midst of enjoying their day together, Yume felt a sharp sense of aura gazing upon her. She turned around and met it eye to eye in a flash. Though it was only for a few seconds, with the nostalgic feeling and how familiar that person seemed to her, she knew immediately who that shadowy figure belonged to.

"What's the matter Yume?"

The girl was curious as to what could have captured her friend's attention. Though Yume is still staring intently at the crowd, thanks to the girl's sudden words that seemed a quite worried about her friend, it got Yume back to the present time instead of spacing around.
After a few moments of silence, Yume finally spoke.

"It's nothing."

She then turns her eyes back toward Koharu and asks what she had been up to as a way to reassure her. Koharu's worries faded, it then took her attention that she was holding two different color of the same set of necklace.
One is of a flower in pale pink coloured petals encrusted in resin while the other one looks like a pale lavender coloured diamond shape that has a black cat sitting facing the moon engraved within the resin.

"Oh! I was wondering which one to give you and then I did settled on one but..."

Koharu came to a pause. Soon after Yume took a look at the necklace and it's variant, did she realise why koharu's face became a melancholic smile hiding a frown.
"Well, what do you think?" Koharu asked trying her best to lighten up the mood.

*I like both of it.* Yume thought as she stares intently.

"Why don't you get both? I think the pink one would suits me better though I don't mind to switch it up a bit."
With a sway from her hand Yume fondles the two necklace as it reminds her of a close friend.

Hearing this, stunned Koharu for a minute.
"Eh, I know you'll look good with the flower one as it suits you... but to get this one too..."

Her face soured at the slightest thought of it. Sure she accidentally took the lavender one as it reminds her of said person but to actually get it is like being unable to accept ones predicament.
Koharu questions Yume's thoughts on such matters as she hardly thinks that person will be back anytime soon. Only later did she realise that this gesture Yume had done links to an event in the future.

"Do you think she will like it too?"

Though late, Koharu realise it is better to have it on hand than to just let it slip away as there can hardly be another opportunity to get such reminders and thought that maybe...

just maybe,

that person might return...

Yume looks at her friend in front of her daintily forming her blank expression into a smile just as Koharu began to look at her, in waiting for a sentence to sooth her heart.

"I'm sure she will be delighted."
Is all that needed to be said.

The day brimmed by the beautiful sunset soon began to fade to a cold and dark violet sky with the moon shining through the clouds and the winds flowing through the nights. With it becoming the end of their little adventure, Koharu sends Yume back home and plans on heading back to the academy.
As she stands in between the threshold of the door, curious as her child's friend is not heading on her way, she asked.
"What about you, Koharu?"

"Don't worry, a friend of mine are going to pick me up and we'll go back to the dorms together." said Koharu, reassuring the mother.
"Is that so? Alright, then I'll see you again another day Koharu-chan. Get back safely."

Just moments before going on her way the mother spoke causing Koharu to turn her torso facing the mother.
"Also... thank you, for taking care of yume today." says the mother as she is very grateful of Koharu's integrity and kindness shown towards Yume. Koharu simply smiled and takes her leave.

It is now 10 o'clock of which is the time where most people would start to sleep for the awaiting dawn. Yume and her family being one of the these early sleeper. In Yume's bedroom, one can see Yume's mother tucking her to sleep. She then kissed onto Yume's forehead as the usual loving gesture.

"Goodnight Yume, have a sweet dream." whispered the mother just as she was about to leave the bedroom.

Though unbeknownst to the parents or anyone else, Yume got up and left her room that night for unknown reasons.

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