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"This warmth...

For Oh So Long have I lost and yearn for its return.

And now that I have it, I simply can't let it go anymore...

I fear that when I do, even Once, I will Lose It Again. I can't let that happen.

I can't let it Disappear.


Not again...

Not again...




"×××-chan. I'm sorry. I'm s-so sorry.

*Hic* I'm s-sorry. *Gasp* ah...

I c-couldn't save you *hic* *sobs*

I FAILED you AGAIN didn't I!?

This was supposed to be my second and ONLY chance to save you and yet...

And yet...

How did they know?

How Did They Know?


OuR sChOol and tHe pLaceS WhEre wE liVe, eVen MOst paRT of The wOrld.

It's tHe onLy pLace tHat WaSn't atTacKed bY tHe SHADES!

It's just... T-too d-different fRom whAt hAppEned in tHe pAst.

I sHould've exPected tHis buT...

But... *Sobs* uh huh... *Gasp* Hah...

Forgive me

FOrgIve Me

RGI√E πE, ×××"


"A few more days, just a few more and it will happen...

No. I can't. *Gasp* I can't. NO. Hah... Not again.

*Ha ah ha ah...* *Disoriented breathing* losing them... *ha ah* not knowing their whereabouts.

I'll be alone again...

All that time... wondering about,
without seeing a single person,

Without anyone...

All alone *hah*

I just can't do it AGAIN."


"A few more days... And she'll fall to slumber...

Aikatsu! Series : Chants of The ApostlesWhere stories live. Discover now