[2] No strangers here.

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"I think your right. We should get you to safety. I don't know if you can take another ogre to the dome." The sparkling fairy said.

I scoffed at her. " I really have gone nuts."

I pressed my head up against my forehead. When I looked at my fingers they were red. The whole blood thing was getting old.

I tried staggering over to a nearby park bench. My head was beginning to throb. Before I knew it I felt something snake around my arms and lift me into the air. When I looked down I was about a foot off the ground.

It cought me off guard . I went into a coughing fit. I could barely breathe. How was she flying?? I could pass her outfit off as cosplay but this?

"Shh. We're trying to loose the Ogre." She whispered. I tried my best to stifle my coughing.

How much of this had I imagined? There's no way this is real.

"Is your name Abigail by any chance?" I said peering back at her.

"No.  I happen to be Princess Stella of Solaria. Who's Abigail?" The sparkling fairy said as she snakes carefully through the dark trees.

My brain began to overpower, searching for a logical explanation. I was about to ask her another question when we heard a loud screeching noise.

"What is that?"

"Ashwicks." Stella sucked her teeth.

"......Yes, yes of course."I said right before we made it to a clearing in the woods.

Stella dropped me onto the grass carefully.  "You don't know what an ashwick is do you?"

"Not really, no."

"You'll see in a second. Don't let it touch you"

Stella got ready in a fighting stance. Her staff aimed at the trees. Another screechy howl sounded off from behind us. We frantically turned to look in the direction the sound was coming from.

"Here, hold this. Stella said handing me her staff. It was very heavy. "Wack anything that charges at you."

"I don't think is signed up for this." Worry was evident all over my face. "Maybe is should head home."

Stella looked over at me. "I can teleport you home, if you really want to go. Or..."

Another screech came from somewhere in the forest. This time much closer.  I shivered .


"Or you gets some free therapy and release all that pent up anger inside you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm can read auras. And yours has murderous rampage all over . Also based on the cuts on your face, I can tell your a fighter."

I winced at her. I didn't really want to die. However how often did I get to battle monsters with a live action Abigail.

Not often enough.

I figured if I was gonna die one day. Might as well be in a blaze of glory.

"Fine. Count me in."


"Why the hell did I agree to this?" I said staring at the large gashes on the side of my torso. I had got scratched by on of those Ashwicks.

Ashwicks looked like someone has stretched out a person and then left them in the oven too long. They all looked burned to a crisp.  Stella said they were a species of 'Burned ones'. Whatever that means.

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