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(After 10 years)

(3rd person POV)

It's been 10 years...10 years since her life took a whole 360 degree turn nd flipped upside down.

10 years since they are together.

''Mi amóre'' someone said and Grace snapped out of her chain of thoughts.

''Yeah?'' She asked.

''You zoned out'' he smiled at her and pulled her on his lap.

''I am fine'' she replied and ran her fingers through his hair.

''I know you are'' he kissed her forehead.

''Thankyou'' she whispered softly and put her head on his shoulder.

''Why'' he frowned.

''For everything, if you didn't came in my life..I would've been dead by now probably or maybe more cold and closed off person'' she told him.

''We were meant to be together'' he said and caressed her back.

She sighed and snuggled closer to him.

''I miss him'' she mumbled.

''I know'' he said.

''Are you still angry at Alex'' she asked.

''No..I forgave him long ago'' he answered.

''I love you infinity acey pacey'' she said smiling at him.

''I love you infinity mate'' he said and kissed her.

''I love you both'' They both looked at the doorway and heard soft giggles from their chipmunks.

''Come in'' Ace gestured them to come in.

Their babies.. 8 year old boy and 4 year old baby girl. Their ray of sunshine. She still remember that moment when she found out that she was pregnant with her baby boy and Ace's level of happiness was infinity. He went to the community immediately with her and gathered everybody there and yelled ''I am going to be a Dad!!''.

It was unbelievable for everyone to see Ace react like this even for Grace. He twirled her infront of everyone and announced a huge party of her being pregnant. That was one of the best moment of her life.

Ace handled everything very maturely where she on the other hand became a total kid with her constant mood swings. He took her anger, frustration, irritation, happiness, crying sessions, food cravings, her tantrums very calmly. He was there for her through thick and thin. He stood by her.

And yeah when he said that we are going to have our pup..she was so confused like her first reaction was 'You called our baby a dog'. He told her that we werewolves call our baby pup. And let me tell you she did NOT called her babies pup at all, ever..

Their sweet baby boy Damian Alex Romano and mischievous little girl Lenore Nova Romano.

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