Characters Aesthetic

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The main characters•

•The main characters•

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-Professional Assassin.

-Age 22.

-Height 5'3.

-Famous for her deathly torture techniques and for taking down a whole mafia by herself.

-Works for American mafia ''The Eagles''.

-(Phantom) underground name.

-Many people don't know who Phantom is only some members of her mafia and her best friend.

-Got a mission to kill the capo of the Italian mafia.

-Had a fucked up childhood but loving father.



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-Capo (boss) of italian mafia ''The Skulls''.

-Age 25.

-Height 6'4.

-Ruthless, cold, deadly and feared by every mafia and all other community.

-He's a Werewolf and the Alpha of ''The Night pack''.

-His wolf name is 'Rex' and he's a black wolf.

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