8. Authority

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Astarion gestured for everyone to go low when they crossed the entrance. He was lying at the edge of an elevated platform, looking down on a long hall. The five-meter-tall ceiling was supported by six columns, covered in eye-shaped sculptures that radiated eerie blue light. Two tentacle-laden illithid faces were carved onto the narrower left and right walls, their gaping mouths creating the illusion of real doorways. A stack of crates sat in the far end. Those were new, unlike in the storage room, and a group of scaly fish-folk was rummaging through them, wearing leathery loincloths and sharkbone necklaces. Five drow were also present—two women and a man in dirty cotton tunics were unpacking items, and two fighters in chain mail stood guard behind them.

A mind flayer, dressed in a fine red garment, oversaw the operation with arms and tentacles crossed.

"Sahuagin," Lae'zel whispered when she joined Astarion on the platform, staring at the aquatic workers. "What are they doing?"

"Preparing for a raid, I think." The crates were filled with war supplies—spears, swords, crossbows, and armor.

Gale lied to his left. "The amount of equipment suggests something big."

The gith leader, Vrakkas, nodded from several meters to their right, where the three aliens had gathered to observe the transpiring. "I agree; this is too much for a raid."

Astarion examined the different crates, counting silently. "Enough equipment for over thirty soldiers." A dark elf guard glanced in their direction, and he ducked, touching his nose to the stone tiles, hoping they hadn't been spotted.

The noises from downstairs continued as usual, so a minute later, everyone returned to peek over the edge.

"The Ghaik is the biggest danger," Lae'zel said. "A properly aimed Mind Blast can catch us all down there."

"One mind flayer and a dozen thralls," Shadowheart said. "We can handle them without breaking a sweat."

Assuming the creature would use its mental domination to force every slave into fighting. Astarion nodded toward his crossbow. "Distract the leader, and I'll put a bolt through its head. That should free the underlings."

Lae'zel sneered. "If the Ghaik wiped their personalities, they would continue fighting us."

"They'll still lack direction," Gale said. He made a couple hand gestures to Vrakkas about commencing an attack. The gith gazed at him with a blank expression.

"Oh, for the love of Prince Orpheus." Lae'zel made her own hand movements. This time, the other Githyanki nodded. She began counting with her fingers. "We go in at five... four... three..."

"Wait." Gale showed her his compass. "It's showing a huge magic... spike..."

While he spoke, a glowing portal formed over the carved face at the hall's right side, engulfing it in bright, swirling energy. After a few seconds, more Sahuagin marched into the hall. Two, at first, clad in scale armor and holding halberds. Then four more... and more... The procession shook the stones as it marched in formation toward the left wall, where a second portal soon materialized. The slaves stepped out of the way. Astarion counted almost fifty fishy fiends, accompanied by ten dark elves, clad in black plate armor, who carried elegant bows and long, curved swords. Some were achingly attractive—sending them to battle was a damned waste. Finally, a second mind flayer appeared, escorted by two burly Sahuagin, elaborate robes with prominent golden epaulets encasing its eldritch form. The leader, no doubt.

Everyone kept quiet. It was clear they needed to lie flat and make no motion. Astarion drew shallow breaths. Nervous tingles danced across his scalp while the illithid army passed underneath. To his right, Lae'zel clenched shaking fists, probably struggling to restrain her aggressiveness, and to his left, behind Waterdeep, Shadowheart was mumbling a prayer. The wizard remained perfectly still—admirable, considering how much he usually loved talking.

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