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The next Morning○
The bike is near to the city ,so far away from the village.
Max feels relieved but he also feels loneliness creeping up..
Max feels that Jake isn't a great company.. probably because of the failed conversation he tried to start earlier.

The bike suddenly stops.
J: we are entering the city
M: oh

As the bike moves on max observes his surroundings. It seems like the city was the first target. He could see the smoke from a burning building in the distant. Cars crashed , windows shattered  and corpses here and there. It is crazy how the apocalypse which sprouted a day ago caused so much damage in the city. It was terrible.

Suddenly they hear a knock 'tuck tuck'
J: stay close
M: up there
J: what?
M: someone's there in that apartment, look up

Someone was showing signs at them to come up. The window from which the person was waving was one among the few damage less window.
Carefully, Jake and max entered up the apartment and knocked on the right door.

The door opened to reveal a man , almost the same height as Jake standing there.
"Come in"

Once they were in they let out a shivering breath which they were holding.  "Victor , Victor Phillips"
M: Max
J: Jake ryder
V: what are you guys doing out there?it's not safe
J:do you plan on staying here till it's over?
V: .....No
J: right ,  and the zombies won't be out during the day.
V:The rescue force came during the night and I couldn't get out , those monsters were outside the building and i couldn't even show a signal .I thought I was gonna be trapped here forever and it's a lucky thing that you both landed here....hey where are you guys from?
J: [looks out of the window]
M: I'm from ash Bay,  the town it's far from here ,you might not know
V: oh yeah I know ,I know that place, it's the town with the uh statue of icarus right?
M : yeah yeah right
J: we need to get out of here, sooner the better
V: how? We won't make it out of the city before night
J: we can, I have a bike and grab the food and water and... do you have a    gun?
V: dude!! Why do you think that I would have a gun?

A little while later the three of them comes down ,their bags packed with food supplies they got from Victor's house. Jake gets on the bike, waiting for the others to join, he gives them a confusing look

V: look max, you sit in the middle-
M: no I don't wanna ,why not you? You are the one whom we just met right now, so..
V: So? How old are you?
M: 23
V: you are such a bad liar
M:ok fine,  I'm 19
V: ha! I'm 23 ,you are r younger than me, so sit in the middle and as you can see I'm much stronger than you , wouldn't want you falling off the bike-

J: (honks the horn) we don't have much time and I'm not gonna waste it watching you two fight over such a lame thing.

Max sighs and gets in followed by victor. Jake  starts the bike and rides off .Victor has a victory smile on his face which Jake notices from his rear view mirror.

J: I thought you were different from the zombies victor.
V:what? Why is that?
J:they don't have a brain
M: (snickers)
V:(rolls eyes) whatever..
J: we are going to my grandfather's house,  he has a caravan which we can use.
V: what about your grandfather
J: he passed away two years ago...
V: oh
J: it's an 80s dodge caravan , really old
M: that's cool ,I love vintage
J: (chuckles)

The bike slowly fades out of the city .

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