Chapter 12 ( The past - Valak )

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Y/N pov :

I was sitting with Father Burke, Father William, Sister Irene, Sister Onna and Father Henry as father William take out a dusty old book "Maybe this book have all answers we need to know..." Father Burke said with calm expression as we five nod and father William open the book and begin to read it "The Demon, known as Valak who is one of most powerful demons of hell, He is also known as Grand President Of Hell holding more than 150 legions of demons, He usually disguise as a Nun to manipulate Nuns and Priests of the church, He is also summoned or called as The Defiler, The profane and The Marquis of  Snakes , He can't be defeated every easily by anything....He can only be defeated by the Blood of Christ " It ends as we took a deep breath "Now how we can find blood of Christ?!" I said in worry "I don't know much it has to be done soon as possible" father henry said...Suddenly Lights begin to flicker badly and breaks as we can see a dark tall figure looming over halls as we look at it in horror, We have quickly run in safer place where it won't able to follow us as get in and that was room of holy water pool then we lock the huge door of that room and sit down near pool of holy water "How to defeat him..means we need blood of Jesus but...What's his he get here on earth?" I asked in fear and concern about our safety "Well its not very clear but as much as I know there was a evil Duke who is expert in witchcraft and demonic stuffs, later in the abbey of St. Carla he open the gate of hell..and he comes here but when St. Carla get this information he closes the gate with the help of Blood of Jesus and everything turns fine again but not for every long later on during wars A Shot from army tanks land there unfortunately on same place where gateway of hell is...And its returns back after you know what is happening" Sister Onna answered as I nodded "But if its so powerful we have get out of here, we can't sit here forever" Sister Irene said "Get in pool of holy water" Father Burke said as drown ourselves for minor seconds in holy water then come out "what to do now?" I questioned "From holy water dripping from us he won't be able to touch us so we will be safe us as long as holy water is with us" Father Henry said "But if we keep ourselves wet for long, we will get sick and become vulnerable to him" Sister Irene said "Its better for us to find bottles to fill holy water in it" I suggest as they all nodded in agreement as try to find big bottles I find a drawer filled with big empty bottles as I hand them bottles and we fill it...We should stand against it strong otherwise we will be defeated like sister Victoria...and others

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