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I met him... actually,,no, I saw him from the enclosed tinted window of my room. I'd not been outside for a long time since I had that car accident that almost cost my life. Mom was the main spectator but I was also not ready to go out yet and face all those dangerous things to there. I was not ready to risk my life for anything. In that case mom made sure that there was nothing sharp that would lay around that could hurt me. No broken glass. I wasn't allowed in the kitchen due to all the knives. I did homeschooling with dad before he went to work at night. Mom was a rich CEO of a  jewelry company. Dad was a nightshift worker at an office that he wouldn't disclose to me.
I spent most of my time in my room and I had access to the internet and basically everything about it. I always wondered what it would be like to go to a bar full of people and drink. Go to the ocean and swim coz frankly I was a pisces...a pisces out of water and I found I loved water.

Ooh I didn't introduce myself, I'm  Lithe Anderson. Full stop, there's really not much to it anyway.

So my dad,he was my reason to live also me too but you get what I mean. He was my best friend my play mate and video game rival. Mom was more of the stricter one. She was so hard on me at times. But I was a literal genius and she was proud. Not bragging by the way.Mom was something else, I couldn't hug her unless she sanitized herself first,I could touch nothing unless it was also sanitized and frankly it annoyed me sometimes. Dad explained that she was scared to lose me. Especially because I was the only child they could get.

I was one of those kids born prematurely and almost couldn't make it. Yeah I was a fighter. Even after that car accident with the battler while going to school,I caught for my life in hospital for three months. I wasn't going to risk my life either.

Being locked up at first, I complained a lot but I soon realized it was for my own good. Then figured if I didn't attach myself to a lot of things then it would be easier to live. So I had zero friends and never indulged in conversations online.

I was on a no sweats and sugary stuff quarantine. Mom's orders. I had to always be healthy. Even a common cold was an enemy. So our maid Alife would always sneak in sweets for me when my parents weren't around. And I totally adored her.

Okay back to him,yes,him. Tall cute guy whom I saw standing near a moving van. The house nextdoor had been empty for years as I'd heard from mom and someone was moving in. It was hard to determine the colour of his hair thanks to the mavin he had on. But he had a sunny white smile,medium mascular body and was that a tattoo on his neck!? Bad boy I see.

He had on a black hoodie,black cargo pants and black sneakers. Almost gothic but nothing extreme.Nextnto him was a skateboard with one foot placed on it as he talked to an older guy who had some similar features. So that had to be his dad.
Was he what they called a bad boy really? I couldn't be sure.

As they carried things in I almost pressed my face on the window to be able to see him as the house his him completely. I waited a few minutes and he came out and this time, he stopped and looked up in the direction of my room! At me! I immediately dived out of view and landed face first onto the floor.

"Lithe,are you okay in there? "
"Yes! ....I mean yes mom..."
My voice was a bit strained.
"I think I broke a couple of bones" I said to myself.
"Okay .. just don't break yourself." She said as her voice faded away from the door. 'i think I already did' and i dropped my head on the floor for a while. My dark brown skin turned red with goosebumps and my tummy felt all weird. I felt like I was mutating. I just didn't know in what form or object. My heart felt funny too.

That night was mom's and dad's wedding anniversary and I had to force them to go out and not worry about me too much. Mom hugged me tighter than a nail to a wall and finally left. As I enjoyed my time alone as Alife had gone home to her eleven year old girl, I decided to tidy my room a little. First I took a shower and began my little activity with very little energy. I was turning sixteen soon and my birthdays got hectic. It was a constant reminder that I was growing older without any attachments to the world. And no boyfriend... I really had to stop watching too many movies.

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