The 104th Cadet Corps 2

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The next day in the training compound evey cadet would be to report for their first training which would determine if they can be a soldier

Shadis:It's aptitude test time so listen up! There is no place for you here if you can't pass this test! Fail and your ass are sent to the fields!

As cadets were going up and trying to balance while using the ODM gear.Jack and Mikasa were balanced perfectly.As cadets passed and failed Eren would be called up.Once he put on his gear,he was raised up on to fall upside down and land on his head as Shadis would walk up to him

Shadis: What is your major malfunction Yeager! Straigten yourself up!

Eren:"How do I work this thing? No.. This can't be happening.

Later after training Jack,Eren,Mikasa and Armin can be seen practicing to help Eren stay up

Mikasa: Stick to the pasics and you should be fine. No need to try anything fancy. Just focus on balnce and stay centered. And slowly rest your weight on the belts attached to your hips and feet.

Armin: Stay calm and loosen up abit. If I can do it so can you.

Eren: Okay,I'm ready. So raise me,Armin!

Armin: Okay."Raises Eren in the setup,but Eren falls flat on his face'

Mikasa: Eren! 'Rushes to Eren with Armin' Jack help me take him to the nurse office!

Jack: Fine. 'Picks Eren up and takes his to the nurse office'

The trio would take Eren to the nurse were he would get stiches on his head and have his head bandaged and going to the cafeteria

Franz: Hey,Daz. Isn't that the kid from yesterday who said he'd kill all the titans?

Daz: I guess it's the fields for him tommorow. Can't keep waisting food on the usless.

Jack: You two gonna shut up?'Standing over the two' Cause what I remembered you two were shitting bricks as he told what happened in Shiganshina. So unless you two have balls to actully kill a Titan I suggest you shut up before I break you legs. Got it?

Franz: Yeah,we get it we don't want any trouble.

Daz: Well,sorry for your friend being usl-'Falls to the floor knocked out as everyone looks on'

Jack: That I made myself clear.'Walks to a table with Eren,Mikasa and Armin' Eren,why is your head steaming?

'Shadis walks in'

Shadis:What happened to cadet Daz?!

Jack: He passed out sir as he was feeling sick from the ODM training.

Shadis: It that so!

Jack: Yes,sir.

Shadis: Very well then! Cadet Kefka take Daz to the nurse office!

Franz: Yes,Sir!'Takes Daz away'

Shadis: Idiots!'Closes the door'

Jack: Hey,Eren you there? Mikasa grab his shoulder.

Mikasa: 'Grabs Eren's shoulder causing him to snap back'

Armin: Worrying won't help you with a thing. there is still time to practice before morning.

Eren: I'm pathetic...I'll never be able to kill them like this.

Mikasa: Then it's time to let that dream go.

Eren: What do you mean?

Mikasa: You should give up veing a soldier. There are other ways to figh than by throwing your life away.

Jack Ackerman X Mikasa  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now