Ch1: The bet

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"My life is nothing but troubles in a broken bottle!" I screamed. Well who am I?? I am a girl in blue harem pants and black Diesel tank top, fixing up my thick rimmed spectacles and picking up the papers which had fallen since I tripped over the open shoelaces of my checked navy blue canvas shoes.
I am as my parents named me- Anvika Kapoor, the daughter of the best parents in the world!
What? Were you expecting some business tycoons name?
Well, my brother sort of is, though that information is secondary.

Now, my life is so complicated, its like if a biography was to be written about me its title would be bad luck.

A contorted expression took over my face causing my nose which bore a silver nose ring to twitch up in irritation. I stuffed the papers in my leather back pack before opening up my black with dark brown streaks curly hair and tying them up again in a ponytail.

"I bet on my life that among the various people with lives as fucked up as mine, i am the only one god has no mercy on. He was probably running out of golden ink when he wrote their destiny and by the time came my turn i bet it was all dry and perhaps the page tore!" I yelled and threw my backpack on one of the large round tables in the open common area of our college.

"Relax! Anvika! For heavens sake you aren't dying. Just be done with the final year of college in a few months and get down to your public relations job! Like you've got placement on day zero, while we all are still struggling. Finish off this last assignment, sail through the final exams and then you are free as a bird!" Rhea my best friend tried to calm me down and restore my jolly mood from the glum one.

Rhea was one of my oldest bestfriends, we'd been together since 5th grade, when she first stepped in to save me from the senior bullies. We shared our lunch that day, my cheese sandwiches and her veg biryani, and ever since we have been almost inseparable.
Though she became more of a girl in this while, while i transformed into a tom-boy. Rhea had grown up to be just fine, lucious black hair, shining brown skin, unique greenish eyes and slim figure. No wonder she wanted to get into the movie making side, she was the ideal choice!

"Ya ya! As if its a great job. Its not like i get to do the actual planning, scheduling and manipulation. After years of screwing up my life in mass communication to the extent of taking masters in it too, all i have to do is sit on a computer and go all Sherlock Holmes on which brands are up for celebrity hires. Superb isnt it??" I sarcastically spoke.

"Well you being given a package of over a lac per month for that as starting salary, surely is superb Anvika Kapoor!" Rhea tried to knock some sense into her frustrated buddy.

Well if you didn't guess already- I am the frustrated buddy.
I just sighed. Rhea had a point.
As long as it paid well who gave a damn about what I was supposed to do besides stripping or prostitution. Like not that I bore any disgust towards these professions, it was all out there, some people hid it while some chose to treat it as a job and do it openly. But I had some rules that I lived by and sleeping with random guys as adventurous as it seems wasn't one of the things I would do. I needed an emotional connect to not get one among the most disturbing feelings in life-regret.

"Ok ok! I get it. I have a job that pays well and i shouldn't cry! But this day has been just soo bad, i can't help my sour mood!" I spoke glumly.

"Whats new in that?? The tigress would get tired after a ruthless hunt!" Said Rohan joining our best friends duo.
Rhea laughed and hi-fived him.

Now for Rohan! What should i say about him? He has soo many sides to him that even after the 3years we've spent in college i am yet to figure out what he is.
It all began with a movie like clash, and he holding me by the waist, we had an eyelock and then we kissed. We have been together ever since.

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