Fantasy RP

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Nicknames: Kins, Kin, Ley.

Species: Human

Appearance: Kinsley has dark blonde hair that borders on brown depending on how much time she spends out in the sun. Her eyes are a dark green color that is not something you see everyday. Her skin is more on the tan side, while freckles splatter her cheeks and shoulders. Her lips are a soft pink and her nose is more of a button nose. 

Personality: Kinsley is very observant, she is also extremely smart. Her memory works a little differently then everyone else's does, so with just a glance she can tell you every detail of a photo that is only flashed before her, but her common sense is not always there. She is impulsive and loves adventures, but she's not always a people person. She is extremely friendly to those who come up to her, but she is more of an introvert and just prefers to stay in her own lane. She is much like a two sided coin where she can tell you every statistical reason something is a bad idea, yet she decides to do it anyway. 

Likes and Dislikes: Kins loves chocolate, books, art, looking at the stars, waterfalls, and nice clothes. 

She dislikes spiders, onions, people who try to be funny when they aren't, awkward situations, and liars. 

Habits: She chews on her bottom lip when nervous, she gets a grin on her lips right before she makes a bad decision, and her eyebrows scrunch together whenever she gets annoyed or frustrated. 

Name: Sebastian Hayes

Nicknames: Seb, Astian.

Species: Shapeshifter

Appearance: Sebastian can shift his appearance to look any way that he wants, which he definitely uses to his advantage whenever he needs to hide from someone. Although, when he is in his natural form he has black hair that is slightly shaggy, usually hanging over his forehead. His eyes are a beautiful hazel color. His lips are thin but still a pretty pale pink. 

Personality: Sebastian is extremely stubborn, he loves to be right and he will always stick to what he knows. He is also fiercely protective of those he cares about, and won't let them get in harms way. He is strong mentally and physically, and he usually comes off as kind of quiet when in reality he is usually accessing the whole situation. He is slightly arrogant but not enough to put anyone off from wanting to talk to him. Seb is pretty easy going and doesn't have any trouble carrying a conversation but when he is alone he is calmer and likes to just relax. 

Likes and Dislikes: He likes computers, boxing, rock climbing, dogs, and sandwiches. Sebastian dislikes rain, rules, when it gets too hot, olives, and when people get into his personal space. 

Habits: Seb clenches his jaw when he's angry, and clenches and unclenches his fist when he's annoyed or frustrated, he runs his fingers through his hair when he's nervous, and rubs the back of his neck when he is embarrassed. 

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