Chapter 3: E-Type Mental Power User

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Chapter 3: E-Type Mental Power User

At the doorway, Xu Qing'an, putting on his shoes, responded, "Yes, Uncle Lu is a professor at Grandis Medical College, so I want to share the news of my successful admission and ask about preparations needed before the term starts."

"Alright, I'll have the driver take you," Xu Qingran's father said cheerfully, still muttering as he saw him out, "If only your brother could give me peace of mind like you do. To think he cheated in such an important exam, he's a disgrace to our family..."
It was then that Xu Qingran slowly descended the stairs.

His stepmother emerged from the kitchen and was slightly startled to see him, but still tried to smile warmly, "Awake now? There's lunch in the dining room if you're hungry."
He initially intended to leave directly, but his steps halted abruptly, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked, "Is it prepared for me?"

Xu Qingran's father, who had just returned from seeing Xu Qing'an off, entered and the stepmother's smile softened further: "What silly talk, isn't there always a portion for you at home? If no one eats, it all goes to waste."

The original Xu Qingran had a strained relationship with his stepmother and seldom ate at home, preferring to dine out.
She expected him to refuse as usual but was surprised when he silently headed to the dining room after hearing her words.

He actually sat down and started eating.
Xu Qingran might refuse many things, but never food, especially not with his aversion to waste.
No one knew what it was like to live without even a potato, but he was painfully aware.
Despite running a high fever of 40 degrees, Xu Qingran finished all the leftover food on the table before silently leaving the house. After his departure, Xu Qingran's father, who had been on the living room sofa, scoffed and put down his electronic financial report, sternly walking into the dining room.
The next moment, his voice rose in both shock and anger, "Who ate my portion too?!"
Without a driver to take him, Xu Qingran had to go to the hospital on his own. He activated the auto-pilot of his flying vehicle, letting the system navigate while he leaned heavily against the seat.

By the time he reached the hospital in District 1, he felt almost completely drained.
Upon entering, Xu Qingran first noticed the uniforms of the medical staff, unfamiliar and innovative. Contrary to the monotony he remembered, the moon-white uniforms were accented with silver-gray designs, and besides the hospital's logo, there was a silver badge on the chest.
The badge bore the shape of a dragon.

subtly shifting with their movement.
"That's the faction emblem," the system explained.
In the Kyan Empire, except for the main star system where the palace resides, other areas are managed by two distinct factions.

One is called the Silver Dragon, and the other is the Golden Wing. The supreme commanders of both factions are from the royal family, essentially making them forces controlled by the imperial royalty. People often like to compare the two factions, and due to the entanglement of performance and interests, the relationship between the factions and the people they govern is often strained.

Xu Qingran's only comment after hearing this was: it's all just flashy nonsense.
The hospital wasn't very crowded, and he quickly registered at the self-service system.
Before leaving, he donned a dark hooded coat, keeping his head low with the hood concealing most of his face, and after registering, silently sat in a secluded and less crowded corner.
"What's the highest level for a mental pool?" Xu Qingran asked the system about the mental pool while waiting.

"In the official level classification, the highest is SSS. However, among the group, there are a very few with exceptional talents. Their mental strength, tested to be far beyond the 3S level, is referred to as Type E," the system replied.

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