Chapter 5: Inferior Match

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Chapter 5: Inferior Match

For the first time in this world, Xu Qingran heard a reference to his potential mission target from someone else's mouth.

Unfortunately, he heard the name but didn't see the person.
"General Shen indeed is a rare talent in the Empire."

The host smiled wryly and continued, "Although the royal family has clearly announced that areas contaminated by the alien 'Demons' are open to both military factions regardless of jurisdiction, Red City is still under the control of the Silver Dragon."

"This time, the Golden Wing managed to alleviate the problems plaguing Red City for years, ahead of the Silver Dragon. I heard there are plans to handle several other severely affected areas as well. I wonder, Colonel Xie, if things continue to go smoothly, will the Golden Wing completely take over the operations against the Demons from the Silver Dragon in Red Maple Star?"

"If the Golden Wing truly manages to revive Red Maple Star, with such significant achievements, will you consider requesting the empire for governance rights over this territory?"
Such sensitive and heated topics were always boldly inquired by the Empire's official host, who loved stirring the pot.

The man on the sofa remained silent for ten seconds.
Expecting a diplomatically savvy official response, he instead lightly chuckled and said, "Ah, isn't it natural for the Golden Wing to solve problems before the Silver Dragon?"
His tone was nonchalant.

"Intervening in Red Maple's troubles was just something we did along the way."
"As one of the major transit hubs for material transportation, Red Maple being overrun by alien creatures would be quite a headache for us in the Golden Wing."
Speaking, he slightly lifted his chin towards the camera, "Of course, if the Silver Dragon is really too overwhelmed, they shouldn't be too proud. We don't mind taking over a few more planets for them."

"After all, in the Golden Wing, the capable are given more responsibilities."
Arrogant and infuriating.
The host in the news broadcast was momentarily stunned.
Xu Qingran was silent for a few seconds before letting out a laugh.
A thunderous roar followed from the hospital's main hall on the same floor.
"Damn it—"

"Xie Nanjun damn it... I was only away on a business trip for one day!!!"
The exclamation came from a young woman near the hall.
She had her hair tied up in a high wavy ponytail, the same golden hue as Xie Nanjun's on the TV, draped in a white lab coat, who upon seeing the news, clacked out of the hospital in her high heels.

Everyone in the hall, including the medical staff, looked somewhat dumbfounded.
Xu Qingran watched the hospital's automatic doors open and then slowly close again, laughing softly to himself.
He recalled the scenes from the news.
Suddenly, he felt that this new world might be more interesting than he had thought.
An hour later, the data on Xu Qingran's wristwatch finally showed a slight decrease.
Although still feverish, his mind was much clearer than when he woke up in the afternoon. Instead of leaving the hospital immediately, he quietly headed to a secluded, rarely trafficked corner on the 9th floor, following the system's guidance.
System: "This is a back door leading to the soul-matching studio and a blind spot for surveillance."

In front of him was an ordinary door, beside it, a lock resembling the scanners at home.
"This lock scans personal soul information, stricter than your home's, but not a big problem for me," the system said. "Put your hand on it, and I can hack it for you!"
He did as instructed, and after a few slides back and forth of the scanner bar, a green light flashed below: Access Granted.

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