Part 7

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Daniel went inside Y/n's room and saw she was laying on her bed lost in her thoughts . He fake coughed to grab her attention .

She looked at him

" What do you want ? "

" Y/n , I-I am sorry for whatever I did . I didn't meant anything I said yesterday. It's just you know my anger issues . I am genuinely sorry . Please forgive me an-and I brought these for you as an apology . Please accept these " He said while handing her the bouquet of rose

" T-This is for me ? "

He nodded

She thought for a bit . She saw he was guilty , so she thought to forgive him

" Ok , I forgive you "

" But you didn't accepted this " He said while looking at the bouquet

" Ah ok " She accepted the bouquet

He happily hugged her tightly while smiling . Y/n was shock at his behaviour.  First apology , then hug and smiling too ? This was the first time she saw him smiling

" Y/n , these are for you too " He said while handing her the bags of plushies and some chocolates

Daniel was giving her shock after shock . She couldn't believe anything.

" T-thanks "

" You liked it ? "

" Ye-ah "

" For the first time he gave a good idea" He mumbled

" One more thing , get ready , I will take you for dinner "

She widened her eyes hearing this and smiled happily

" I will go now , get ready fast " He left after saying this

" Am I dreaming ? " She pinched herself . " Ah , I am not dreaming "


She got ready and went downstairs and saw Daniel waiting for her . She went to him

" Let's go " she said excitedly

" You are looking beautiful " He said and caressed her cheek while looking at her fondly

" Th-anks " she blushed

" Now let's go "

They both went to the car . He started driving while Y/n was looking outside the window whole time .

" It feels like I am going out after decades " She mumbles

Daniel heard her and felt bad

" I shouldn't do that , but it's for her safety . I don't want her to get hurt " He thought

Soon they reached

" This looks so expensive " Y/n said while looking around the restaurant

They both there seats

" What do you want to eat ? "

" Umm , I will be ok with anything "

" Ok "

Daniel placed their order

" Y/n , that jerk is your step brother right ? " He said referring to James

" Don't call him that "

Daniel looked at her in disbelief

" That jerk sold you to a mafia and you taking his side "

" Because you would kill his family "

" I never said I will kill his family . I said I will kill him . I asked him his property or anything but he offered you to me "

" Are telling the truth ? " She asked

" Ofcourse yes , what will I get by lying to you ? "

" All these years he never loved me ? I was only a burden on him ? "

" Don't think about that jerk . You came out so enjoy "

" You are right "

They both went silent . Soon Y/n broke the silence

" Daniel , can I drink ? " She asked

" You drink alcohol ? "

" Yes , I am an adult "

" You should have told this to me before , we both would have drank together all these weeks but it's ok we have our whole life to drink with eachother "

Y/n didn't know how to react . She was confused what he was trying to say . Was he trying to say that he will keep her with him for lifetime or he wants to spend his life with her ?
She didn't said anything .

Soon their order arrived and they started eating peacefully

" Do you like the food ? " Daniel asked

" Yes , it's good "

After eating they went to the car

" So , wanna go to a bar ? " He asked

" Yes , ofcourse "

" Ok "

He drove to a bar

" You can drink as much as you want "

" Why ? Will you take advantage of me ? " She narrowed her eyes

" If I had to do something to you . I would have done it a long time ago "

She rolled her eyes and started drinking . Soon she got fully drunk while Yeonjun didn't drank much as he have to drink . He doesn't care about the driving rules or all that but he didn't wanted anything to happen to Y/n . So he didn't drank much .

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