Part 16

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One month later ,

Y/n was bored alone and Yeonjun was at office . She was roaming here there like a ghost when she heard some maids talking .

" Are they both dating ? " One maid asked to the other

" I think they are " the other maid replied

" Really ? I am so happy for master . Finally he have someone " the third one said

" Yeah , he was crazy about that painting girl "

" Yeah , you are right "

" What are you both talking about ? " The other maid asked

" When master was a child , he liked a girl but she left , he doesn't even know her name but was crazy for her all these years . He made a lot of painting of that girl and him together in that room that is closed most of the time . Thanks to Ms. Y/n , she came into his life "

" But are you sure they are dating ? "

" What if he still loves that girl ? "

Y/n was listening to their conversation making her heart clench. She wanted to know who that girl was and how does she look . She knew the room that they were taking about but never went their but now she wanted to go there . She quickly went to that room .

" Y/n , Y/n , where are you ?! I have something for you ? " Daniel Yelled happily

He was in his way to Y/n's room when he saw that room was opened . He ran to that room and saw Y/n was standing there like a statue

" Y/n ?! " He angrily looked at her

She turned around with teary eyes , she ran to him and hugged him tightly

" Finally , finally I found you Junie " She starting sobbing

" W-what did you s-said ? "

" I-I am yo-ur bunny " She cupped his face

He looked at her with an emotion less face

" Junie ? "

" You are lying . I know you are lying !" He stepped back

" Don't play with my feelings !! " He shouted

" I-I am not ly-ing , Junie . Bel-ieve me" She went near him

" You can't be my bunny "

" Why ? Why don't you believe me ?"

" How can I believe you ? "

" I don't have anything to proof just some memories . I still remember , how we met first time "


" Hey , you give me that toy " A boy said to Y/n

" But this is mine "

" Don't you understand what he is saying ? " A girl beside him asked

" I won't give it , it's mine "

" You have to " The other boy said

" No , I won't "

The first boy pushed me and Y/n fell down still holding my toy . She started crying .

" Hey you all go away " A boy came to her

" Who are you ? "

" I am Choi Yeonjun her friend "

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