Part 13

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Few days later , Y/n just finished her dinner and was about to go to her room when she saw Daniel covered with blood . She ran to him

" W-hat happ-ened to you ? So much blood , w-hy didn't you went to hos-pital ? "

She immediately called his doctor friend .

" Hello , Taehyun co-come here fast "

" Oh ok " he replied

She hung up the call and took him to his room

" You bloody stupid man , are you fucking crazy ? You should have went to Taehyun first "

" I am ok "

" Shut up , just shut up . Don't even dare to speak . " She teared up

Soon Taehyun came and did his dressing .

" He is fine , my friend is strong , I had take out the bullet from shoulder and there are just some cuts on the stomach .I did the dressing . He will be completely fine soon , he just needs a little "

" Tell this stupid man to rest , he doesn't know what rest means . I know he will go to work tomorrow too "

Taehyun laughed seeing her worried

" Don't worry , he will take rest , right hyung ? "

" Yeah yeah , I will "

" See , if he don't then , you can beat him too "

They both laughed while Daniel glared at Taehyun

" Y/n , I will tell you how to do dressing  , so can do it later "

" Ok "

He told her everything she have to do .

" Thank you so much , Taehyun "

" It's my duty "

She smiled at him , he smiled too . Daniel was looking at both in Jealousy .

" She never smiled at me like that " He thought

" You can go now " said Daniel

" You just came now , atleast have something . Should I bring coffee for you ? " said Y/n

Taehyun looked at Daniel who was glaring at him

" You can bring anything you like for me , Y/nie " He said with a smile

" Ok then , come to dinning area and have dinner "

" Yeah , let's go to dinning area " Daniel said while getting up

" You sit here " She scolded him

" Why ? I am hungry "

" I will bring your dinner here . You can't get up "

Taehyun smirked

" Then why are you taking him to the dinning area ? He is my friend , he will eat with me . I don't like eating alone . "

" Oh really ? Ok then , Taehyun , you both talk I will bring your dinner here"

" As you say , Y/nie "

She left to take their dinner

" What were you saying ? You can bring anything you like for me , Y/nie" He said while mimicking Taehyun

" Yeah so what ? It's not like she is your girlfriend . You have your bunny , so I will take her "

" You brat , you have guts to talk back to me ? You ungrateful kid "

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