?chapter one¿

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                       ||CHAPTER ONE: meeting her||

Your entire life; you only had yourself. You were always afraid of anyone else and the cause of the lack of social interaction you never actually learned how to speak. You were a (your race). You never actually found you could relate to your race.

You were always in the forest so it would be hard to find you if someone found you and charged at you. Today you had found a plain and some sort of kingdom by it was at least 800 yards away.

You were enjoying the breeze. You were spinning in the wind. Dancing and prancing in the air swirling around your body and ragged dress. You always loved the feeling of wind. The cold breeze against your body on a hot day of summer. You looked around you as you span to your hearts content.

You paying attention to your surroundings as well. You heard the rustling of wind and the presence of animals. Since you were in the wild most of your life you could feel the presence of different species from around to 6 to 7 hundred yards away when a trained guard could only do 200.

 You felt the strong presence of a person, but not just a person. This person had the power of the goddes race. You felt you feet plant on the ground. She was approaching you with confidence. Your breathing excelerated as she got closer. Your eyes widened as you could hear her soft foot steps. No one had ever approached you like this.


You heard the soft voice of a woman. You slowly turned around to be met with a tall girl with a nice figure and long white hair. "G-goddes." You said as your eyes met hers. You saw the triskelles in her eyes that symbolizes that she was apart of the goddes race. You never really learned how to write, read or even speak but you learned how to say and spell the different races.

"Yes, I'm a goddes." She giggled at the statement you blurted out. You quickly bowed down. "Darling there's no need to bow." She smiled softly as you rose up but you kept your head down.

"My names Elizabeth. What's yours." You looked at her and tilted your head. You had been asked this question before but you'd only been asked once and you just ran away. You shook your head 'no'. "You don't have a name?" She asked with sorrow. You nodded slowly looking away. "Where are your parents?" She asked. You once again shook your head. "Oh ok." She put her pointer finger on her chin.

 "Hey you could come stay with me!" She blurted out excitedly. You tilted your head once more. She softly grabbed onto your hand and started walking towards the kingdom. Your face grew more and more worried as you got closer. You grabbed on her dress. You were about to have a panic attack. You were only 5 you shouldn't have been this worried. Your legs grew more and more weak because of the trembling. You were holding onto her skirt for dear life. You didn't like the thought of big groups of people.

"This is the kingdom of liones." She said looking up the walls. "I have a son named tristan. He only has one friend." She explained. You never really talked to anyone around your age, nor did you speak at all. 

Elizabeth opened the gates to the kingdom. You were met with a bunch of different eyes. You were frozen. You felt your self moving on its own. You gripped her skirt tighter, ripping it. You were almost completely behind her when she started moving. You tried to conceal your presence when you felt more eyes on you. Elizabeth looked behind her in confusion. She really thought you disappeared. 

You both made it to the castle without you fainting. Way to go you. Elizabeth opened the door of the castle. There was no one inside as far as you could see. You calmed down a little once you two started walking. You let go of her skirt and saw you ripped it.

"E-el." You tried saying her name to show her the rip. She turned a little and looked at you with a surprised face.

"Y-you can speak?" She asked you. You put your hand out and shook it kinda saying 'mid'. "Thats amazing!" She smiled. You two started walking down a hallway. You let your gaurd down once you stepped in and didn't sense the mass of magical aura bursting thru the castle.

The two of you stepped into a room with two big chairs known as throwns. There was a male who was pretty short. He had yellow-ish bold hair and green eyes. That's when you felt it. This rush of magical aura rushed through your skin,flesh and even bones. It went throughout your entire body. Your eyes widened at this sudden feeling. 

"D-demon?" You looked at the male infront of you with a questionable face. You looked angry,sad and terrified at the same time. He smirked at you. "Who is the little one." He asked maintaining eye contact which made you even more scared then you already were.

"We forgot to name you." She looked at you. You were a mess still making eye contact with the yellow haired guy walking closer to you. She looked at the man. "Meliodas don't tease her. She's scared of everybody. Your making her more scared!" She said to him. He broke eye contact and looked at her.

"Alrighty what's her name." Meliodas said." She doesn't have one." "Huh." He looked at you again. "Is she staying with us?" "Oh yes I -" "well then we might as well name her." Meliodas said with a smile. 

"What about y/n?" Elizabeth suggested. You nodded with a smile on your face. "y-y/n." You said your name with a smile. They both turned to you. "Well done y/n!" Elizabeth said clapping her hands together.

"We should get her cleaned up." Meliodas said. "Right on it!" Elizabeth said picking you up and getting you to the bathroom. You looked around at the room you've surprisingly never saw. You looked at the toilet in confusion. Elizabeth pulled you into the tub with clean hot water.

She washed you up and got you dried off. "T-tris tri-st-stan. T-Tristan." You said shaking Elizabeth's arm. "Did you just say Tristan. You'll see him soon." She gave a calm smile. 

She brought you to the thrown room once more. "Gaurds, can you get tristan for me?" "Yes majesty." They bowed and ran off. You looked at the clothes you had on. It was a nice shade of (f/c) dress and it reached your knees. It had short sleeves and you had these shoes that every time you walked clicked.

You felt the presence of a demon and goddes but in a singular person. You looked behind you before anyone was even there. A boy with long white hair and two different eye colors. One was a light emerald green that looked like his father's eyes. Then the other was a deep blue with different shades of blue swirling around in the blue that looked like his mother's eyes. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with ruffles at the end and he had pants that went down to his ankles with once again ruffles. The white had a really light blue tint to it.

"T-tristan?" You asked. The boy looked over in responce in hearing his name after rubbing his eye. You assumed he had just woken up from a nap. "Whats your name, who are you, why are you here." He excitedly flooded your mind with questions. "Y/n!" His excitement got you excited you both ran around each other. You ran out of the room and Tristan soon followed. 

You two ran until you both were out of breath. You both were panting heavily." I'm so tired." Tristan said yawning. "M-me too." You were surprised at what you just said. It was like this man just brought the words out of you. 

You could feel your eyelids get heavier as you thought about it more. Since you were so you used to being in the wild you still had all defenses up but you got more and more tired. You walked over to Tristan and wrapped your eyes around him and just fell asleep right in his arms.

 He sat down with you and put you beside him. You leaned your head on his shoulder and as Tristan became more tired he tilted his head to rest on yours.

 You both were sound asleep.

|| hey y'all I'm am sorry for like not posting alot cuz I've been absent alot because of my dad's house so yah.||

|| love yall♡||

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