¿Chapter four?

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                             || CHAPTER FOUR: accident||

You woke up later then you always did. It was unusual for you to sleep in late but the case is helped by the fact you stayed up really late last night because it was Tristans 10th birthday.

You sat up to see Tristan wasn't in his bed so you assumed you really slept in that late. So you got out of bed to check the time. It was only 12 and your usual time for getting up was 10.

'That is only two hours late, did Tristan really get up on his own?' You thought to your self as you ran outside to look for Tristan not thinking to get dressed first.

It didn't take you a while because you looked out the window to the courtyard. He was sparring with some one other than you. You assumed that the boy he was sparring with was the friend that Elizabeth brought up 3 years ago when you first met her.

You looked at the boys. The boy was weirdly familiar but you shook it off. (A: ooo I'm putting a spin on the story...)

He had yellowish blond hair, red eyes and this spear weapon. His hair was short and he had bangs that almost covered his eyes. They stopped sparring and jumped away from each other.

Tristan started to crouch and hold his stomach. You felt a mass of power emitting from Tristans body. This wasn't good power though. You knew something was wrong.

You jumped out the window but grabbed on to the window sell before you could fall. You readied your legs into a position so you could launch yourself. You did just that.

You saw Tristan jump at the boy as soon as you grabbed the tree branch of the tree in the courtyard. You weren't the tipe of person to be late but it seemed you werent fast enough.

When you looked down from the tree you felt the power illuminating from Tristan fading and his sitting on the floor. His eyes were watering when he said "did I do that?" You then looked at the boy who had blood pouring down your face.

You looked back at Tristan who was now running towards the inside of the building. You jumped down the tree and followed him. You had to calm him down.

This was the most you saw him cry, it was heartbreaking. He was wiping his eyes as he ran. He noticed you were following him and he sped up. You didn't really care how fast he ran because you were faster. 

He made it to the both of your room and shut the door and locked it attempting to lock you out. He turned around and ran to his bed. You sat next to his bed.

"What happened?" "Leave me alone y/n." You smiled softly excpecting that to happened. You went to the other side of the bed so you could see Tristans face.

He looked at you still laying down. He sat up. You hugged him and rubbed the back of his head. He hugged you back but tighter. You heard him sniffling.

"Now tell me what happened." You said making sure it had not even an ounce of demandment in your tone. He sunk into your shoulder.

"My b-blood felt really hot, a-nd then I just completely lost control of my body. I-I rushed right to Lancelot and I hurt him." He hugged you really tight to the point you could barely breath but you knew you had to withstand it. You didn't want to make I'm feel worse by pulling away from a hug just because you could barely breath.

You could still take small breaths so you stuck with that. You could tell he was crying harder after he told you that. You started forming hearts with your finger on his back. He loosened his hug.

You continued drawing the hearts until you could hear him breathing normally. He had fallen asleep. You layed him gently on his bed and tucked him in. You blushed a little looking at his face. He was so worn out from crying that he was sound asleep.

With the time you had you decided to get changed because his tears stained your shirt. You also grabbed a soft wet towelette and wiped Tristans face gently to get all the snot and tears.

You left the room to go find the boy and check on him. You found him still in the courtyard just sitting there with his spear. He was muttering to himself.

You walked up to him. That familliar feeling came back again. "Who are you." He asked you in a rude tone. Thats when it hit. He was the only other one in your entire life to ask who you where.

Your eyes widened. Once again you felt like running away. You didn't like the feeling you were experiencing. You thought he wouldn't mind if you just left I mean he seemed like the person to have no friends because of his attitude.

You started to step backwards and got faster. You turned around and started running. You looked back to see if the kid was still there and then you ran into something.

"I thought I remembered you." You could hear a clear smirk in his voice. You turned your head slower that my sisters brain. He was as you thought right infront of you.

He was grinning from ear to ear. "L-long time no see." You squeaked out. "So you can speak. Now tell me what's your name." You turned around and tried running again. He grabbed your shirt collar  choking you if you tried running again.

You turned around sheepishly. "My names y/n." You tried to say confidently. "My names lancelot." He said as his smile faded. "Nice to meet you." You put your hand out to shake hands with him. He nudged you aside as he walked right passed you.

"Hey that's not very nice. You demanded my name and didn't even shake hands with me!?" You pointed towards the figure walking away. He turned his head so you could see his side profile. "Why won't you shake my hand?" You asked.

"Because i dont want to touch a nasty girl like you. You did live in the wild after all." He laughed you and your astonished face. He was being rude and you just could not take it today.

"Stfu. First of all the only thing nasty here is your nasty ass haircut. Second of all YOU LIVE IN A GOD DAMN TREE, so YOU have also been living in the wild your entire life which explains why you smell like a gorilla AND ACT LIKE A MONKEY..."

"Aren't monkeys and gorillas the same thing." "... and obviously your not educated." You scoffed and stomped away from him. You knew he got his head hit and all and that you should be nice to him but you were not gonna deal with his bs.

You went back to yours and Tristans room to find him drawing. "What are you drawing??" You asked Tristan. "Idk." He responded dryly. "Can i see?" You asked him. "Sure." He showed you the drawing.

It was just a casual sketch of a tree. "It looks awesome so far!" "Thanks!" He cheered back to you. It was like within his 5 minute nap he forgot everything.

You both heard knocking on the door. It had been two hours since the incident and you just watched Tristan draw. "Prince Tristan and gaurd y/n dinner is ready." A guard came in and bowed to Tristan. 

You both ran down stairs seeing who could get to the table first. You knew you were going to win but in a sudden unfortunate event you tripped. He won. You just laughed it off though.

You both ate dinner. It was around 9 when you two finished your dinner. Tristan went to on top of the courtyard walls and looked down. You followed Tristan. You went up beside him.

"Do you think Lancelot is ever going to forgive me y/n?" He asked with clear sorrow in his voice. "Of course he will Tristan." You said hugging Tristan. You felt tired after dinner. You gave Tristan a kiss on the cheek playing it cool not even realising you do that.

"I'm gonna get ready for bed. Night Tristan!" You yawned while walking away and waving at him. He just stood there stunned. He touched his cheek amazed and scared, he didn't know why he was scared. Well you were the first person to kiss you other than his mother so thats one thing.

Tristan became tired soon after you went to bed so he snuck into the room got ready for bed and snuggled himself tightly into his blanket. He drifted off to sleep only thinking about the kiss you have him. 

He fell asleep

||☆ hey y'all it's me again back with another chapter of this book just saying the next chapter will be in the grudge against Edinburgh  and that's like a 4 or five year skip so yeah lucky me.☆||

||love yall♡♡♡||

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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