¿Chapter three?

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            ||CHAPTER THREE: knight in training.||

It was the day of the big surprise meliodas and Elizabeth had set up. You had woke up sweating because you had a nightmare. You looked around to remember where you were. You saw Tristan and immediately became more calm.

You wanted to wake up Tristan and somehow ask him to come with you to go find out what the surprise was. You got up of your bed and went to the closet to find something nice to wear.

You walked towards Tristan and shook him. He woke up and looked at you. "Whats up y/n." Tristan asked tilting his head with a smile. "Can you come with me?" You asked. "Of course." Tristan smiled as he started to put on his everyday outfit.

He grabbed hold of your hand and brought you down the hallways of the castle. He was excited to find out the thing your parents had been hiding from them. 

They included Tristan somehow and that's what made Tristan excited, I mean can you blame him. He's a seven year old kid waiting for some sort of surprise that somehow involves him.

You two finally made it two meliodas and Elizabeth's room. You were getting anxious waiting to hear what they had to say. You held on to Tristans hand as tight as you could. You started to tremble.

Tristan and you started to approach the door. He stopped and looked back at you.

"Are you ok?" He asked noticin you violent trembling. You nodded slowly and started walking forwards again alongside Tristan. The two of you finally made it to the door way.

You were clinging to Tristans arm like a sloth on a tree. You were waiting for them to tell the surprise. "Mother,father?" Tristan said. They both turned around and looked at you two.

"Tristan, y/n!" Meliodas said. "Where hear for the thing you were gonna tell us." Tristan said happily. "Oh yes." Meliodas said with a smile.

" Y/n will be working with you Tristan, and the best part she's your personal guard which means she will be staying with you at all times." You looked at Tristan. His looked really excited.

"Do you hear that y/n, we get to train together!!" He said excitedly grabbing both of your hands." Will train in start at 3:00 like always right?" Tristan asked. "Yes." Meliodas said. 

"Now you two, before you leave; y/n will have to train with the other holy nights then she can train with you Tristan ok." Meliodas said.

"Aww ok." Tristan said. You realised you had to face other people.... with out Tristan. "Y/n Are you alright? Your shaking even after the news." "A-am I gonna have to train without you??" You asked him with a worried look.

"I guess so." He said sadly. You started running ahead of him dragging him behind you. "What are you doing y/n?" Tristan asked following you. "If we're not allowed to train until tomorrow. I guess were gonna have to break the rules." You said still running.

You two trained until three in which then you were dragged away from Tristan and brought to a court yard. You saw knights training casually with swords. Alot of them stopped and looked at you.

They looked at you until you left into another court yard in which you saw meliodas and six royal guards. You looked at meliodas then the meliodas next to you. The meliodas next to you started forming into another person.

There was now a man with pink hair yellow eyes and glasses. It took you 1 second to analyze the man then disappear. Meliodas blinked then looked around. He looked at the top of the walls of the courtyard walls and there you were sitting and watching them.

You jumped down calmly by stayed in the corner. You could hear the whispers of the guards who where about to face you.

"How could a girl like that protect Tristan?" One of them snickered. "Yeah with her by his side anybody could hurt Tristan." That rung in your ears. Your face went from anxious to emotionless. They looked at you getting more scared by the second.

"I can't protect Tristan?" You questioned angrily. The man who said that looked at you wide eyed. 'How did she hear that, i was as quiet as I could be?' He wondered.

You became more and more mad thinking about people hurting Tristan. You looked at the men with dead eyes, they were just training dummy to you and they realised that soon after you came within eye contact of them.

You felt the same sensation as you did will the little brats decided to hurt Tristan. It was coursing threw your veins. It appeared as I you had just made a little lake or river out of sand and the ocean finally makes a river that soon turn to raging waves.

Your rage could not be contained once someone brought the fact of hurting Tristan. You walked towards the guard who said you couldn't protect Tristan. He looked at you, he may had been looking down at you at the time but your aura was viscous. 

He saw Satan in your eyes.

In the matter of two seconds they were all on the ground. Meliodas checked there pulses, they were all alive but beaten and bruised badly. Meliodas walked up to you and you snapped out of your haze and looked up at meliodas.

"Your really strong." He smirked. "Tomorrow I am going to bring some royal guards in, and strong ones at that so be prepared because you'll be fighting them." You looked at him with the shine in your eyes now back. He knew what you were about to ask.

"Yes, you can go to Tristan now." Your face lit up immediately then you left. You found Tristan you had an idea tho. With you speed you could disappear within seconds so why not play mind tricks on people.

"Psst." You went behind him. He turned around, no one.

"Over hear." You were up in the tree. Once again he looked up but there was no one in sight. Now he was worried because he swore he heard that and that he wasn't going crazy.

"Come on." You now spoke in a normal tone. He turned around and looked in all different tipes of angles.

"Tristan." You said at the opposite side of the court yard. You had a dead expression. He ran over to you. He reached his arms out to hug you, brought his arms in. Nothing but thin air in his arms.

"Tristan." You said once more with a dead expression. He looked over with a worried expression. 

"Is that you y/n?" He asked. You noticed his guard was now up but you didn't want to stop. For some reason you felt you were taking it to far but also you wanted to see his reaction.

You tilted your head playing along.

"Tristan." You said before disappearing. "Y/n!?" He saw nothing but air infront of him.  Now you were closer once you appeared again.

"Tristan." You said in a deeper tone almost sounding like it wasn't you anymore. You started to smile without an ounce of happiness just pure, overwhelming evil.

His eyes started to water as he ran down the hallway. You realised you had taken it to far and gotten ahead of your self.

You ran infront of him but with the shine with your eyes. "Tristan." You said worriedly and ran to hug him. "Y-y/n?" He pulled out of the hug and looked in your eyes. It was most defiantly you. 

"Y/N!" He yelled as he hugged you. "I'm so sorry for do I that to you Tristan!" You hugged him tightly. "Wait that was you the hole time." "Hehe yep." You laughed nervously. You could tell he was embarrassed by the fact he fell for your trick.

"Your so mean, that really scared me." Tristan pouted. "I'm really sorry." You whined. He hadn't forgiven you two hours after it happened.

He finally forgave you and it was time for dinner. You two ate your dinner and then went to bed.

"Goodnight Tristan."

"Goodnight y/n."

||ok so y'all I was doing some research and found out that the sparring incident with lancelot happened when they were ten so I'm gonna exclude that in the next chapter because in the next chapter there going to be 10. Just don't mind the fact that i brought it up in chapter one cuz my dumbass didn't think and just assumed it already happened because im stupid so just don't mind it please.||

||update: problem has been fixed.||

||hugs and kisses.❤❤||

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