🌈 Chapter 7 ~ a Fight to remember 🌈

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Book may contain mentions of:
-Mention of blood/gore
If any of these triggers you I suggest you don't read this!

Y/N's Pov:

I see the red eyes stare at me.. it would leap at me and land on top of me, I fall to the ground with a loud bang, I open my eyes to see a decaying deformed version of Walden.. his face melting with the rest of his body, Looks like this thing was made out of ink! I see something glow on its chest, Amongst all the ink dripping it was a glowing crystal, probably keeping it alive. It would raise it's hand as it molded into a gigantic claw, It would bring it down an I roll to the side as the claw jams into the ground right next to my head. I quickly roll out from under it as it squirms to get it's hand out the ground.

I look at what I have to defend myself against thing monstrous Wally, I turn to see a spray can of air freshener and a lighter, I grab them and rip off some cloth from a patient bed, I feel a deep pain in my back, I turn my head to see the creature has stabbed me in the back, I hit the creature with my hands as it scratches my chest, I grab the miniature flamethrower I made out of tying the lighter Infront of the sprays nozzle, and light up the creature, It lets out a disturbing screech before melting, leaving the crystal in a puddle of ink, I fall to the ground gagging up some blood from my wounds.

I groan and quickly crawl over to a broken down infirmary in the building with all my strength and take off my top to bandage my back and chest, After bandaging myself I waddle out the infirmary and go back to the lab where I defeated the creature. I go towards the crystal laying on the ground, I grab it but then there's a big flash of colours as I stumble backwards landing on my butt. I look at my hand to see what the hell just happened but the crystal has disappeared, My eyes widen as I look around trying to find it. Oh great I lost the one thing my boss needed!.. I start to feel very mad at myself as I somehow pick up a heavy old table and throw it across the room making it crash into a wall.

I stare at it.. How did I do that? What just happened? Where's the crystal?, My train of thought is interrupted by Wally's voice echoing though the halls, ' Everyone group up! Back where we first entered! ' He would yell, I groan as I struggle to walk with my bleeding injurys, Atleast the bandages helped it. Once I finally get to the end of the hall where I came from I look at the main entrance where everyone is waiting for me. I could hear them talking, "Where's Y/N" Wally would say, "I dunno!" Sally says, "Well if you don't know fucking idiot don't say anything!" Wally would growl, "should we go back in to find them?" Frank asks, "I'm sure they'll be back soon!" Poppy cooes, I stumble out the hall way towards them, "I'm over.. here.." I say before collapsing in pain, The bandages unraveled and now blood was staining my top.

Wally would quickly run over to me, "Y/N! Fuck No no no! Poppy quickly! There must be an old infirmary around here somewhere!, Everyone just follow us!" Wally would bark orders as he picked me up gently bridal style, as my eyes start to close, "Y/N don't you dare close your eyes! Your going to make it hold on!" Wally would shout, as we all quickly head to the infirmary, My vision would go blurry as the last thing I see before passing out was everyone so worried as Poppy closed the door to the old infirmary.


I wake up on a patient bed, A more modern one, I guess they brought me back up to the surface, I sit up feeling the stiches in my back and bandages both of my back and chest, Poppy would enter the operation curtains, "Oh deary you are awake finally! You have been knocked for well over 2 hours! Everyone is waiting outside their very worried about you" Poppy cooes, 2 hours?! Wow.. "Can I see them?" I ask, "Of course! Just take it easy though you have stiches in your back!" She responds, I nod and slowly side off the bed, and waddle out the infirmary seeing everyone sitting in the waiting bay on chairs, Wally has fallen asleep but his face looks red and puffy like he's been crying.

Julie is the first one to notice me "Y/N!" She screams happily before hugging me gently, Everyone else looks up and Walden wakes up immediately, Everyone else hugs me, Once everyone clears out the way Wally immediately hugs me tightly "Y/N, You don't know how worried I was!" He mutters quietly, "Ah- that's Abit tight boss.." I mumble, "Oh sorry" He loosens up his grip but stays clinging onto me. Poppy walks into the waiting bay from the infirmary, "Oh Y/N, You can't work for 2 weeks you need to let yourself heal" "What?! But I need to finish my work! Who's going to finish if not me!" I say, "I'll do it" Wally states.

"And Y/N you better not sneak out your dorm to do any fucking work otherwise I'm carrying you back" Wally adds, I huff "Fine.." I mumble angrily.

(A/N: Hi >:3 if you like this vote :DD
Words: 966)

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