Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 is finally here! Sorry if it took so long, and thank you for being so patient.

I've also noticed that this book reached more than 20k reads, and I'm absolutely speechless, and this book is number 8 in #jax on some days for a couple of weeks!

Thank you all :)


[!This chapter might contain a bit of angst and the mention of death and murder!]


No one's POV:

Everything was going well, and even though the given circumstances, Y/N was happy at the circus.

But what she didn't know was that her disappearance changed the people who used to know her.

~back in the real world~

It's been a long time since Y/N was reported missing, and the police tried everything they could and ended up documenting her as possibly dead and dismissed the case, after almost a whole year of searching.

This, of course, had a huge impact on Y/N's family and friends.

They couldn't believe she was gone and that they might never see her again.

They know she isn't dead, since there aren't any clues of her leaving the house after the phone call, and no clue of any kidnapping or murder, but of course the police used common sense.

Who would believe people saying that their friend/child disappeared suddenly, with no trance of her whereabouts?

They would most certainly call them crazy or tell them to accept that they are gone and to get over it.

There was nothing to be done, and all that could be done was hope for the best and Y/N to return safely and healthy.

~Back at the digital circus~

Y/N's POV:

It was the middle of the night and a shot up from an odd dream.

Tears build up in my eyes

'The people who were in my dream seemed so familiar, but also so... unfamiliar... who are they?'

I took a deep breath and got up, whipping my tears.

I stretched and walked over to my desk

I got out pens and paper and started drawing what came to mind.


I don't know how long I've been awake and drawing, but it seemed that the others were slowly waking up.

I looked over at about 4 pieces of paper, with images I could make out as images from the dream I had.

I was staring at them puzzled, not knowing what to do.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a loud commotion on the other side of the door.

Approaching the door, a loud bang was heared, and I almost jumped out of my skin.

'What the-'

I opened my bedroom door and my eyes widened.


I'm finally back, with this new chapter and another cliffhanger. hehehehe-

Anyway, have a nice day :)

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