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It's now the next morning, the couple is finished getting ready. Mrs. Lee called them downstairs because she made breakfast. Both of them were munching down on the delicious food that was on the table. Mrs. Lee looked at both her son and son-in-law. She chuckled as she watched both the cuties eat. 

After they both had finished. They said their goodbyes and went to school.

Everything went smoothly. They went to their classes and then met up with the Pocketz, Jungwon, and Sunoo, at the cafeteria. Heeseung informed them about what happened to them recently.

"That b*tch!" Sunoo yelled. "but, both of them did get expelled".

While Hee and Sunoo were having their conversation. Sunghoon and Jungwon were talking about everything. Including how Heeseung got jealous of Jay because he thought he was his boyfriend. it all got awkward in the end and they both looked at Hee and Sun still happily talking  to each other. Sunghoon stared at them with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

Jungwon noticed it but didn't want to cause a scandal so he just kept quiet. The lunch bell rang so they all left and went back to their respective classrooms.

On the way there. He noticed Sunghoon was more quiet than usual. "are you feeling okay?" he asked, holding his hand. "I'm fine hyung". then he sped up to his class which was beside Heeseung's. He wondered and thought about every single thing he did today. But it seems he can't remember what he did wrong.

Later that day, Heeseung went to pick Sunghoon up from his class. When both of them got to the car, Sunghoon was still quiet and didn't seem to want to talk to anybody. 

Something doesn't seem right to Hoonie. Love Author💜

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