Deliverance 😁

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You and the gang were in the Curtis' house, and you were sitting on the couch, playing with Angus. The boys were watching a hockey game, and everyone let out a huge groan every time that Calgary got a goal. Arizona had won that game, evidently compared to the whoops and hollers when the game ended. Pony came over and gave you a kiss, and joined you in playing with Angus. 

The moment he sat down, you felt a sudden pain in your stomach, and water leaked down your legs.

"Y/N pissed herself!" Dally yelled, laughing. But when he realized what it actually was, he ran to call 911. 

"Fuck, Jesus! Oh my God!" You were yelling in pain. 

"Hey, it's OK, Dally went to get the phone." Pony said, holding your hand for you to squeeze. You were crying and holding everything in. You squeezed your legs together so hard you wouldn't be surprised if the baby never came out.

When the ambulance got to the house, they lifted you onto a stretcher. Pony followed, looking nervous but excited. He held your hand the whole time to the hospital, whispering sweet things in your ear. 

It was the worst pain you have ever experienced. It was like a fracture, but 20x more pain. You pushed and pushed, wanting the darn thing out of you. But when the pain stopped and you heard crying, tears came into your eyes; tears of joy. The nurse lifted the baby; a girl; into your arms. You caressed its soft skin, and kissed its soft head. Pony sat down beside you on the bed, and he had tears in his eyes as well. That's when the rest of the gang came in.

They all cheered. 

You and Pony decided to name the baby Yureni Jane Curtis, the name "Yureni" meaning sunset. You two grew up a happy family, and lived happily ever after.

The End. 

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