As Long as We Have Eachother

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Velvette and Vaggie become best friends with each other shortly after Vaggie was sent to Hell, and had to survive together on the streets of Pentagram City. Vaggie was always there for Velvette, but will Velvette be there to Vaggie?

Velvette sighed as she twirled an old can in her hand and kicked it.

"I'm gettin' tired of this life, Vaggs!"

Velvette groans, stressed out. Vaggie puts a hand on Velvette's shoulder for comfort.

"Don't worry, Vel, as long as we have each other, we'll be okay."

Velvette sighed and smiled softly at Vaggie, but then frowned again.

"Ya know, Vaggs, I could be livin' a life of luxury, ya know, like Vox is!"

Vaggie rolled her eyes.

"You do not wanna be like that narcissistic TV demon."

Velvette whined.

"But whyyy! He's got the power, the money, and not to mention how attractive he is! He's got it all!"

Vaggie rolled her eyes.

"He's also a manipulative, power hungry, obnoxious Pompous Piece of Shit Television, a Show Off, a Noisy Picture-Box, and a Fucking Fake Ass TV Piece of Dogshit!!"

Velvette sat there, shocked at how pissed Vaggie was just mentioning Vox. Vaggie sighed and rubbed her head before turning her head to Velvette and smiling.

"Don't worry, Vel. I'm sure it'll get better..."

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