All Alone

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One day, a car pulled up in front of Vaggie and Velvette. It was Travis.

"Well hey there, hot stuff, want a ride? You can ditch the doll, and maybe we can do a little more throughout the drive."

Travis says with a wide grin. Vaggie scoffs.

"I'm not leaving with you. And much less am I leaving Velvette for someone like you. I will never leave Velvette, and she'll never leave me."

Travis's grin drops as he rolls his eyes.

"Suit yourself, bitch. I don't think your relationship with the doll over there is gonna last though."

Vaggie flips Travis's car off as he drives off.


A few weeks later, Velvette's dreams of being a celebrity e-girl grew, to which Vaggie had to bring her down to reality and insist they only needed each other to be happy. This made Velvette dream more.

One day, a limo pulled up in front of Velvette and Vaggie. Velvette was starstruck while Vaggie looked annoyed. Vox stepped out of the vehicle and examined the two.

"Come with me, kid"

Vox said as he gestured towards Velvette. Velvette gasped and was about to get up, but Vaggie held her back and growled at Vox.

"She's staying here with me, thanks."

Vox raised an eyebrow at Vaggie.

"I don't think this is your choice, now is it?" Vox said with annoyance.

"What's your name dear?" Vox asks Velvette.

"Velvette... Velvette Kakes"

Velvette looked nervous as she stared up at Vox. Vox nodded and thought before holding out his hand to Velvette.

"How would you like to come with me, Velvette?"

Velvette nearly fainted at the sound of her name being called by Vox.

"She's staying here, I told you that!" Vaggie yelled.

Vox rolled his eyes at Vaggie and turned his attention back to Velvette.

"Cmon kid, you could make it big here in Hell, live a life of luxury, rule the city with me, and even become feared by all sinners."

Velvette loved the idea of it all. Vox grinned as he saw the amusement in Velvette's eyes. Velvette got up and took Vox's hand. Vox helped Velvette into the limo and closed the door behind her. Vaggie sat there, on the verge of tears as she watched the limo drive away. Vaggie was then left on the streets of Hell, alone.

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