We Meet Again

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It's been years since they've last seen each other. Vox took Velvette under his wing and Velvette became more known as an Overlord. Velvette became the most famous sinfluencer in Hell and became recognized for being a demented doll demon and working with Valentino and Vox, now known as The Vees. Vaggie on the other hand, works with Charlie Morningstar, her girlfriend. Vaggie works as security for the hotel.

Vaggie, seemingly forgetting about her until, years later, she appeared at the Hazbin Hotel after learning Vaggie had been staying there with Charlie. Not even recognizing Velvette at first, Vaggie was surprised by how much her former best friend had changed, though Velvette was indifferent to Vaggie's anger over Velvette leaving her to fend for herself, all for fame and fortune. Vaggie noticed her and walked towards her. Velvette looked down at Vaggie.

"You seriously work here?"

Vaggie rolls her eyes and nods.

"And I live here with Charlie."

Velvette gasps and covers her mouth.

"Princess Failure Fuck?"

Vaggie got pissed at that.

"She's not a failure fuck, she's the Princess of Hell. And my girlfriend..."

Velvette raised an eyebrow.

"Really, Vaggie? She's your girlfriend too?"

Vaggie nodded proudly. Velvette laughed and examined the hotel.

"Ya know, your name starts with V too! I'll let ya join the Vees if ya want if ya just… ditch this dump!"

Vaggie shook her head. "You left me to defend all by myself in the streets of Hell, and all just for fame and fortune? And now you want me to join you and your awful friends?"

Velvette laughed.

"Ah, boyfriends."

Vaggie rolled her eyes.

"What you did, was low Velvette, even for you."

Velvette laughed.

"Are you seriously still mad about that? And if that's the lowest thing I've done, you clearly don't know me or watch my lives!"

Vaggie raised an eyebrow.

"Your lives?"

Velvette rolled her eyes.

"Duh, social media lives! My fans love me!"

Angel Dust walked by and said to Vaggie, "She does videos on torturing, kidnapping, or even killing sinners."

Vaggie gasped as she turned to Velvette, who was grinning proudly.

"You do that? To sinners?!"

Velvette laughed.

"Well, I've got to entertain myself and others somehow, am I right?"

Vaggie shook her head in disgust.

"I thought I knew you, you changed... And all because of that fucking TV bastard!"

Velvette slapped Vaggie, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Don't call Voxxy that, bitch. I wasn't afraid to kill other sinners, and I ain't afraid to kill you either."

Vaggie was shocked by everything. How Velvette defended Vox over her, how Velvette threatened to kill her, and how she'd do it without hesitation. Velvette took out a knife and twirled it in her hand.

"Oh, Vaggie, Vaggie, Vaggie... Didn’t anybody teach you any manners? Like, for realsies, it's so rude ta act this way when somebody invites you and your friends over to a party! You think me 'n the Vees like always doing things by ourselves?! Okay, we do, but that's not the point! I literally told you how excited I got when I asked you to join us! I was so hyped to add another V to the VVV gang! We coulda been besties, but NOOOOO! You had to stay with your girlfriend at that cringe Loser Hotel. Ya know what? I'm startin' to think I was wrong about you. Maybe you aren't V Gang material after all. You gotta be tough to roll with us. See, at first I thought you were tough, but now all I'm seein' is a big baby. Is that how you want me to remember you, as a baby? Well, it doesn't matter, because in the matter of seconds, you'll be known as dead. HeheheHAHAHAHAAA!!!"

Just before Velvette was about to kill Vaggie, Alastor tackled Velvette to the ground, making her drop her knife. Vaggie got up and stared at Alastor and Velvette as they fought. Alastor slammed Velvette into the wall. Velvette sat there, defeated. She looked up at Vaggie with pure hatred.

"Y'wanna know the best thing about me, Vaggie? After I chop your friends up, bake them into tasty treats, and turn you into my dolly, all of Hell's gonna forget about ya. Even Charlie! After she stops bein' a sad clown and sucks up those tears, she'll just get someone else to play with. Everyone's already forgotten the names of all my playmates. I mean, for realsies, I already forgot about some of 'em!"

Velvette giggles.

"Oh, sure, they can rewatch my livestreams, but no one REALLY gives a fuck about who they were. They only watch to see me in all my cuteness!"

Velvette's giggles get more maniacal.

"Even when their families try to remember them, my smiling face is the only thing they see. But me? Even if I were to, Satan forbid, end up gettin' erased, everyone's gonna remember me, forever! But don't worry, Vaggie, I won't forget about ya. There's a special place in my dollhouse I've been savin' just for you..."

Alastor opened a portal and tentacles started grabbing Velvette and dragging her into it. Velvette got dropped off at the Porn Studio. Vaggie sighed while Alastor grinned in victory.

"Looks like she won't be a problem anymore!"

Alastor walks away with a grin. Vaggie knows this won't be the last time she'll see Velvette.

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