PROLOGUE - Scoups + Jeonghan

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[All parts are published.]

•Hybe, Seventeen Practice Room, 10PM

"And yeah-" Seungcheol stood up, "No one will go down the stage into the crowd."

"Why?" Hoshi asked.

"What why? It's dangerous." Seungcheol stated.

"How's that dangerous?" Seungkwan rolled his eyes, "Carats won't hurt us."

"I know that very well." Seungcheol nodded, "But in excitement, accidents can happen. There's no point in taking the risk."

"Oh please stop it hyung." Dino scrunched his brows, "You worry way too much."

"I'm worried about your well being."

"No one asked you to." Hoshi shrugged, "Stop forcing your decisions over us."

"Hoshi! I'm not forcing anything." Seungcheol defended, "I'm seeing you all for a lot of time now. You all just have to cut my opinions no matter what."

"You don't give opinions, you just give orders, to be honest." Minghao stated.

"And where did everyone come from? We didn't even say anything." Wonwoo muttered.

"Guys, calm down." Jeonghan stood between Seungcheol and the others.

"Of course you'll defend him again, nothing new." Seokmin sighed.

"When will you both stop using your hyung cards for no reason at all?" Seungkwan pointed out.

"Stop it guys." Joshua whispered to the younger ones, "It's too much."

"I'll just go." Seungcheol scoffed as he stormed out of the room.

"You all can't be helped." Jeonghan sighed.

"Yeah then go behind him no?" Dino looked up, "As always."

"You don't need to worry about us." Jeonghan nodded as he followed the oldest one.

"Coups! Seungcheol! Stop!" Jeonghan reached the parking lot as he saw Seungcheol getting into the car.

"I'm not stopping, if you want to come, just get into the car." Seungcheol stated without looking at the younger.

Jeonghan contemplated for a while. Where was he needed more? Of course with Seungcheol. Joshua and Jun could handle the rest of them. He got into the car as the door closed.

"Seungcheol, calm down. You know they don't mean it, right?" Jeonghan held his hand.

"They do, they mean it, Jeonghan." Seungcheol looked at him, "You know that as well. What was I saying wrong? If anyone gets into a mishap, who will suffer? Will I? No. They will. They'll get injured and I don't want it. Am I wrong? You tell me? Am I not allowed to worry about them?"

Silence fell in the car after which the younger scoffed heavily.

"Do they even love us anymore?" Jeonghan sighed as he and Seungcheol sat in the back seat of their car while the driver drove it smoothly.

"I hope they do." Seungcheol scoffed.

"Stop it hyung, you aren't my dad."

"I can take care of myself, why are you overreacting?"

"Stop treating me like I'm your actual sibling or something."

"Know your limits hyung! I'm not your own kid."

"Will you please stop bothering me? I can take care of myself."

"Will they be bothered if we leave them someday?" Jeonghan mumbled in distress.

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