Year 1 Part 3

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As you walk into into the dorm room while following the  prefect, your appearance causes crabbe to moan at the prefect about him being here because their is no room this causes the prefect to look at his book for room allocation and realise that there isn't a bed available because someone was messed up the paper you hear the prefect mutter about something then he tells you to stay here and you nod obediently because you didn't want upset anyone, the prefect starts to walk out but before he does he shouts at Malfoy " Oi Draco look after Y/N for a minute while i go discuss with the professors on what to do" you hear Malfoy moans about having to do something below his status but still calls you over.

You trudge your way over to his bed and just stare at the floor he then looks at you annoyed hoping for you to get upset from his reaction of disgust of having to watch you but you didn't change your facial expression because he didn't know you were blind, he then mutters something under his breath about the prefect being an arse but your heard him because your hearing is great, this causes a slight smile to form on your face.

Draco looks at you in surprise because he was shocked that you were able to hear him he was curious of your identity but in the end he just shrugs it off and just tells you to sit on his bed while he puts some off his stuff away because he didn't want to have to deal with you, you sit patiently waiting for approximately 20 minutes wow, Draco just stares at you because he can tell your falling asleep in his bed and is annoyed at why the prefect hasn't returned, because he's wants to go to sleep himself and kick you off his bed.

A few minutes later, the prefect walked back in with a professor you could tell without seeing the man that he's was a cold man that wouldn't be easy to get along with. The professor looks at the prefect and discusses that yes this is a problem in which they can't sort out tonight then looks at Draco and Beckons him to come over. drowsily listening you hear him say to Draco that you should just share a bed tonight, and hear Draco complain to the professor about about sharing a bed with you if it's the schools fault that their isn't a bed allocated for you why his bed has to be shared.

The professor looks at Draco annoyed and says coldly well if you don't want to share with y/n then share with someone else such as your good pals crabbe, Goyle, the boys looks at Draco eagerly in which causes Draco to look back at his two friends, and realises that you're the better option to sleep with because you have a smaller stature then huffs and storms over to you and commandingly says I'm sleeping on the outside, so you better not move around while sleeping.

The professor is about to go but before he leaves he says to you I'll sort this out tomorrow just deal with it tonight and coldly leaving with the prefect . You open up your luggage case and feel around looking for you pyjamas but was struggling because the amount of clothes your parents had packed you, because how long you were taking and you hear Draco get out of bed in and storm over to you and grabs some your clothes out and shoves them into your arms huff and says in annoyance "what your deal how cant you even get clothes out of your case you blind or something" he says sarcastically you just quickly walk towards the toilet while following the red ribbon that was faint while wondering why is it hard for me to concentrate while around him I'm struggling to even see my ribbon because you cant think straight.

Y/N quietly walked back over to the bed trying to not disturb others in the room and slowly made his way back into Draco's bed and Make Y/N made himself comfortable. while falling asleep Y/N quietly said sorry to Draco but didn't get a response.

You wake up in the morning and freak because you could feel arms and legs wrapped around your body like an octopus, you try to wiggle out of his grasp but he kept holding on tighter. in the end Y/N had to shake Draco to wake up. when Draco woke up and found the position they were both him he blushed and quickly scanned the room and made sure no one else saw them and jumped out the bed.

Y/N got up and got dressed and made his way to grand hall he got there without getting lost because he has been there already, while sitting at the table he was glad that he came early because it was quite and was wondering if he will be alright getting to his first lesson, then he felt a hand land on his shoulder and a voice say hello to him he instantly recognised it as Hermione Y/N was overjoyed he had someone to talk to, they finished eating together and left to find the class, Y/N was glad he was with Hermione because she knew where to go.

The two entered the room and Y/N could hear Draco was already here, he was about to sit down next to Hermione When he heard Draco shout "Y/N Come here your sitting next to me" Hermione wanted to argue back but before she could you already made your way over to Draco saying goodbye to Hermione. You sit down next to Draco nervous while getting your books out of your bag. Draco finally said something after the long silence "F/N uhm I'm sorry for this morning I didn't realise my sleeping habits were that bad "you reply saying "Draco its alright I didn't mind" and you carry on sorting your books.

While organising your books the door opens and you hear someone say "good morning professor McGonagall" she walks over to hear desk and says open your books, you open your book and discreetly place your in the way so Draco couldn't tell that your book is an enchanted braille book. after a few minutes the door opens you could tell who it was it was Harry and Ron they arrived late and got lectured by the Professor.

After professor McGonagall's class you get up and walk over to the trio and ask if you got go along with them to potions class "Of course you can the more the merrier" harry said. the four of you make your way to potions class and you hear Ron say " hey has anyone noticed Draco has been staring daggers at us the whole way" harry reply saying "well he isn't the kindest person is he but I don't get why he staring at us like that". when we arrived we all sat down and started chatting Hermione's was asking why y/n sat with Draco in professor McGonagall's lesson Y/N simply replied saying "I don't know I just want to be his friend but its hard" Ron then butted in saying " Well Y/N you don't have to worry about being friends with him we will look after you. you simply said thank you.

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