Year 1 Part 4

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While taking your books out for the lesson, there was a sudden huge bang from behind the door that was slammed open, and you hear the professor from last night speed walk up to the front of the class, telling everyone that there won't be any silly wand waving or incantations in this class. He then started to target Harry because he wasn't paying attention in class.

At the end of the lesson, Professor Snape told Y/N and Draco to stay behind. The trio was going to wait for you; however, you told them to go ahead and you would talk to them later. Once it was just you and Draco left the class and you packed everything up, you walked over to the professor's desk while following the red ribbon and said, "Sir, you wanted to talk to us." Professor Snape looked up from his paperwork and said, "Yes, on regards to the issue last night, we have prepared a separate room for Y/N. However, seeing as you are the only one without a bed, we wanted someone else to be in there with you, so I suggested that Draco should be your roommate." Then Snape proceeded to look back at his paper work.

Draco then piped up, sounding unimpressed, "Why is it always me having to do it?" You look down, feeling bad for Draco because you're becoming a burden to him, and mutter sorry. Snape looks up and says, "Mr. Malfoy, I was suggesting it. I was telling you, now get your things and leave." You thank the professor and leave his class.

On the way to lunch to meet everyone else, Y/N felt Draco's eyes on him. It was unnerving because Y/N was unsure of what Draco wanted. It got to the point that he stopped and just said, "Draco, I know I've been troubling you since last night, and I'm sorry, but could you not stare at me so much? Draco replied by saying, "Y/N I've been watching you since earlier, and someone is off about you. It's like you get preferential treatment. You reply, acting like you don't know what he's talking about and walking faster, following the red ribbon.

You arrive in the hall later than everyone else and hear the owls flying around above everyone, so you quickly make your way over to your seat. You hear someone shouting, Yo, Y/N, you've got mail. Hurry up. You recognised the voice; it was Blaise Zabini .You sit next to him, and he hands you your mail. He hands you a letter that you open, and it's a letter from your family asking you how your first days have been. While thinking of what to send them back, you hear Blaise say, Hey, why is your letter empty? You reply and say it's a special note that only he can read. He replies with an oh, unconvinced.

After lunch, you make your way to your next lesson, flying with Madam Hooch. This is the lesson you've been dreading the most because you can't participate and you will stand out, and this makes you worried about being found out that you've actually been blind all your life. You've hated the feeling of being treated differently and pitied. Everyone lines up to begin the lesson, and you stand there awkwardly, and you feel someone touch your shoulder, and you can tell it's an adult, so you guess it's the professor. and say hello, madam hooch.

You can feel her eyes pierce your soul, and she says, "Todays lesson, your not excused. You shall take part, but don't worry, I will help you. So shall we get started?" She nudges you to line up so you can quickly follow the ribbon and stand beside a broom that you can feel with your foot. Madam Hooch starts the talking. Good afternoon, class. Welcome to your first flying lesson. well what are you waiting for everyone step up to the left waiting for everyone step up to the left hurry up stick your right hand over the broom and say up. You start saying something, and you can feel something gently glide into your hand.

Now once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight. You don't want to be sliding up the end when I blow my whistle. I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard, keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down on my whistle. Before Madam Hooch could even say 1, there was a commotion, and you could hear everyone panicking at the sounds of it. Neville's broom flew off, and you hear Madam Hooch say she's got to take him to the infirmary.

Once Madam Hooch left with Neville, you could hear Malfoy arguing with Harry about something and feel two gusts of wind fly into the sky. While wondering what was going on, you could feel your own broom shake. You turn your head to it in confusion, and then it starts moving at an extremely fast speed, frightening the hell out of you while you hold on to it for dear life. It stops mid-air, and you hear Draco say, "Oi, Y/N, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" You respond by saying in an annoyed tone, "I can't help it, its got a mind of its own." Then you fly off again, but Draco chases after you telling you to slow down. The both of you shout back and forth while flying around the buildings, and then you hear Draco tell you to stop because you are getting close to a building. You try to stop and the broom doesn't listen, then you hear Draco say JUMP, you scream what, and you hear him say jump again, but this time you didn't question it and jumped. You start falling, and you can feel the velocity of the wind hitting your face. In the next second, you feel someone holding you. Draco caught you while you were falling. You were crying and thanking him the whole way back to the ground.

Once back on the ground, everyone runs over to you, asking if you're okay and what happened to the broom. Then you hear someone say, You three come with me. Madam McGonagall. You instantly knew she was talking to you, so you quickly ran over.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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