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third person pov

now playing
all too well (10 minute version)- taylor swift

❝ time won't fly, it's like i'm
paralyzed by it ❞

"Say hi, Nat!" Maela exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement as she forcefully thrust the camera towards Natalie's unsuspecting visage. The sudden intrusion of the lens into Natalie's personal space caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily flustered.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of amusement danced in Natalie's eyes, a testament to the enduring bond of friendship that allowed such playful antics to unfold.

"Hiiii," Natalie's voice chimed with a melodic sweetness, her smile radiant as she spoke. "We're currently on the tour bus, embarking on a journey towards the luminous city of LA," she shared, her words trailing off as she reached for her phone. "It's also currently 9 am," she added, her voice tinged with a sense of excitement

"It's really fucking early guys," Maela exclaimed, her voice laced with a hint of frustration. She deftly turned the camera to capture her own visage, a subtle pout forming on her lips. "Sadly Lia and Rodie aren't here. They're all the way in New York doing their own shit," Maela lamented, her voice tinged with a touch of longing and disappointment.

"Yeah," Natalie replied with a gleam of sadness in her eyes. "Oh I almost forgot to say! I made a song, a surprise composition to grace the grand finale of my performance, for it marks the culmination of our journey," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with a contagious excitement that enveloped the very air around her.

"Oh, so you wanted to do something special?" Maela inquired, her voice soft and curious, as she gracefully shifted the camera's focus back to Natalie, eager to uncover the secret that lay within her friend's eyes.

With a nod of affirmation, Natalie's face lit up, her smile stretching wide as she reached into her bag, retrieving her notebook. "Should I show them?" she inquired, her voice brimming with excitement and anticipation.

"I mean, yeah," Maela responded, her voice filled with a hint of agreement. She settled herself comfortably next to Natalie, their presence intertwined in a shared moment of creativity. "I won't unveil this until after the concert, for there are still edits to be made," she added, her words carrying a sense of purpose and meticulousness.

"Alright," Natalie exclaimed, her voice brimming with a delightful anticipation that danced in the air. With a swift motion, she flipped the page over, her fingers delicately tracing the lines of her creation. "Pass me the camera," she requested, her voice filled with an eagerness that couldn't be contained.

Natalie took hold of the camera, her hands steady yet trembling with excitement, as she revealed the sacred verses of her lyrical masterpiece.

"Damn that's depressing" Maela's words echoed in the air, carrying a tinge of melancholy that cast a shadow over the conversation. Yet, Natalie couldn't help but release a whimsical giggle, as if a burst of sunshine had broken through the clouds. "What's this called?" Maela inquired, her voice filled with a curious longing to unravel the depths of Natalie's creation.

"Now that we don't talk" Natalie replied, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I made this the other day. I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually publish it so I'm just gonna use it as a surprise song," she explained, delicately tucking the notebook back into her bag, as if safeguarding a precious secret.

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