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third person pov

now playing
this love - taylor swift

❝ in losing grip, on sinking
ships, you showed up just
in time ❞

Natalie dashed into the sanctuary of her home, her tear-streaked face a testament to the overwhelming emotions that consumed her. The sound of her sobs echoed through the empty rooms, a symphony of anguish and despair.

"Hey there, sweetheart," her father greeted, his attention focused on the blade he meticulously honed. He turned towards Natalie, a curious glimmer in his eyes as he called out her name, "Natalie?"

Disregarding his presence, Natalie swiftly ascended the stairs, her footsteps echoing through the house as she sought refuge in the sanctuary of her room.

With trembling hands, she secured the door behind her, barricading herself from the outside world. Overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, she crumbled to the floor, surrendering to the weight of her anguish.

In the blink of an eye, a wave of overwhelming panic engulfed her being. The air grew heavy, constricting her chest as her heart raced with an unrelenting intensity. She found herself caught in the grip of a suffocating panic attack, unable to escape its relentless grasp.

As her breaths grew shallow and her chest tightened, she was consumed by an overwhelming sensation of suffocation. Each inhale felt like a struggle against an invisible force, leaving her gasping for air in a desperate battle for relief.

A sense of dread washed over her as she experienced a disconcerting sensation, as if her lungs had ceased their vital function. Each breath became a laborious task, fraught with uncertainty and a profound awareness of the fragility of her own existence.

Struggling to regain control, she found herself caught in a turbulent whirlwind of emotions. Desperate gasps for air mingled with anguished sobs, transforming her into a disheveled and tear-stained figure. Trembling hands reached out, seeking solace in the midst of the storm, as she valiantly attempted to soothe the tempest within.

With a gentle closing of her eyes, Natalie allowed herself to be transported back to a cherished memory from their childhood. It was a moment etched in her mind, where Matt's comforting presence had the power to still her racing heart and ease her troubled soul.

- flashback -

Matt's voice trembles with concern as he utters her name, "Tilly?" The worry in his tone weaves a delicate thread of apprehension, mirroring the way he cautiously opens the door.

His emotions hover in the air, a delicate balance between hope and fear, as he awaits a glimpse of Tilly's presence.

Natalie's tears flow uncontrollably, cascading down her cheeks like a torrential downpour, as she seeks solace in his embrace.

The weight of her sobs reverberates through the air, a symphony of heartache and vulnerability.

"Hey hey calm down." Matt retorts, his voice filled with genuine concern, as he gently releases her from their embrace.

He takes a moment to carefully study her countenance, his gaze tracing the contours of her face, searching for any signs of distress or pain.

His gaze descends upon her delicate cheek, where an indelible mark of a slap lingers.

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