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third person

"Just stop it, Ser!" bellowed Matt.

Natalie arched an eyebrow, her ear gently pressed against Matt's bedroom door.

"All you do is whine," Matt groans in exasperation.

In the hushed confines of his room, a pregnant pause lingers before he utters, "I can't do this anymore. Not with you," he breathes out wearily before ending the call.

Natalie's brow creases with a hint of perplexity as she gracefully moves back from the door's threshold.

Unexpectedly, the door gracefully yields to her presence, unveiling its secrets with a silent sway.

In a scene of disarray, Matt's weary eyes bore the weight of sleepless nights, shadowed by dark circles, while his unkempt locks cascaded like a curtain veiling his gaze.

"Great," he whispered, his fists tightening in silent resolve as he strode off into the distance.

What was his problem?

matts pov

"Hi babe," she giggled as I shake my head, "How are yo-" she begins, but I interject.

"I want to break up," I declare starkly as silence envelops us like a shroud.

"What?" she inquires in a hushed tone, "Why?"

"I just... I just think a relationship is too much for me to handle right now," I uttered softly, my words hanging in the air like a delicate veil of uncertainty.


Well, at least a fragment of it was shrouded in untruth.

I find myself unable to bear the burden of awareness that she is the maiden with whom I betrayed Natalie.

I cannot escape the realization that she was the catalyst for the unraveling of everything.

I find it unbearable to reconcile with the truth that my feelings for Sereia were but a facade, a deception that now weighs heavily upon my conscience.

I found solace in her essence, a reflection of Natalie that stirred a bittersweet symphony within my heart.

I found myself transported to memories of Natalie with every brush of her skin against mine, a delicate dance of past and present intertwining.

I found myself transported to memories of Natalie with every tender caress of her lips, a bittersweet echo of past affection lingering on mine.

I found solace in the way her embrace enveloped me, a familiar warmth reminiscent of Natalie's loving arms encircling my being.

I discovered echoes of our happiest moments in every joyful giggle that graced my ears, a melodic reminder of the blissful times we shared.

I was abruptly pulled from the depths of reality by Sereia's impassioned outbursts, a tempest of words that danced on the edge of regret.

"Just stop it, Ser!' my voice echoing with fervor," I exclaimed, the urgency of my plea carried in the wind.

I shouldn't have yelled.

I was in the wrong.

I lamented in exasperation, "All you do is whine!" I sighed, my hand instinctively reaching to tousle my hair in frustration.

I shook my head as Sereia's voice rang out, demanding, "What do you mean?" The tension in the air thickened as our exchange continued.

I uttered with a tinge of frustration, "I can't do this anymore. Not with you" the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air.

I clicked the hang-up button, scoffing as I shoved my phone into my pocket. Walking up to the door, I swung it open with determination.

oh for fucks sake

I come to a sudden halt, a tempest of fury coursing through my veins, my jaw tightly clenched in seething resolve.

"Great," I muttered under my breath, releasing my grip on the door knob. With clenched fists, I turned away and began to walk, my emotions simmering beneath the surface.

— !! 💌
another day, another short chapter

these chapters have been so worryingly short
jm sorry

lowkey dont know where im going with this
fic anymore HELP

i have like 6 new fanfic ideas.. should i make a new
one and abandon this one or make a new one and
continue this one

what do u guys think

is it over now? ;; matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now