Chapter 11 - Found you

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Alucard set off following the faint scent of Trevor. He rode for hours. Water glistened over his golden eyes. God why was I so stupid!? Alucard thought has the day drew to a close. A small village was up ahead. The bright candle lit houses pulled him closer. He tied his horse up next to an Inn, proceeding to walk into the building. As he walked in he noticed the man at the front desk seemed off. Just something. Maybe it was the look in his eyes or the way his face looked. But Alucard didn't care he need a room to sleep in. He couldn't travel at night it was too dangerous.

Alucard coughed getting the man's attention, "Is there any rooms available for tonight?" The man looked at him. glared at him to be precise.

"Yeah we do. How many of ya stayin' tonigh'?" The man inquired.

"Just one." Alucard smiled at the man. The man gave him his keys, and Alucard payed the man. He made his way up to the room. He knew Trevor must have been here today or at at least he's still here. He didn't know. He would ask around in the morning. Alucard unlocked his door stepped, inside, closed the door and made his way to the bed. He took off his clothes and placed them beside the bed. He climbed into the sheets. He shut the pitiful eyes, trying to get to sleep.

Alucard lay there for an hour. He couldn't sleep. No matter what he tried he just couldn't do it. He sighed, turning to the right. He wondered why he cheated on Trevor. Why he actually thought it was a good idea. He couldn't really remember. He remember Sypha coming back to his room after she ran away the first time. And boom! It happened. They slept together. But he couldn't think why he would do it. It kept coming back to his mind. The it hit him. Sypha. She's a speaker. She uses magic. She must had done something to him.

Alucard thought some more until he was interrupted. Voices came from outside his room. Must be from the neighbouring rooms. Then he really listened to there conversation.

"Look! I told you he was a real Belmont! He's the only one left." one voice said. it was clearly a young lad. Alucard could tell from the sound of his voice. "Hmm. Yes it seems like he is." A woman's voice came from the room. "He's perfect. Just look at him. He'll do well for him" Alucard could hear the smirk in her voice. "However the face scarr. Its the most ugliest thing I've seen in my life." She was disgusted at his face scarr? How dare she! Alucard rushed out the room, Into the next and found Trevor. He was tied up, blood coming from his temple. A cloth wrapped around his mouth so he couldn't speak. His eyes were closed. He was passed out. It was most likely from pain. Alucard bubbled with anger. His eyes changed for the twinkling gold to blood red. He charged that the two stood before him. One fell to the floor with a crunch. The other was trapped in alucards hand. Alucards squeezing her neck. The lad under Alucard's foot. The woman looked to her colleague on the floor then back to Alucard. Alucard's breaths were heavy, filled with anger.

"What are you doing with him?" Alucard growled. The woman smirked. "Why do you want to know? Do you know him?" She spoke through her dark hair. Laughing. A low laugh. More like a twisted chuckle. A cackle almost.

"I'm not in the mood to play games." Alucard glared. "What do you want with him."

"Simple." The woman said. Her red lips curled into a malicious smile. "To end his bloodline. That's what he wants." Alucard grew angrier by the second. "He might want to do other things with him. But who knows. He just my boss." The woman's pupils grew wider.


Alucard dropped her lifeless body to the floor. He pushed his foot into the young lad on the floor. Crushing his ribs. Alucard left him on the floor with several broken ribs and barely alive. Alucard rushed over to Trevor. He untied the ropes binding his wrists and ankles to the chair. Removed the cloth from his mouth. He picked him up. Brought him to his room. He gathered his things and places them into a bag. Alucard gets dressed properly. He put warmer clothes on Trevor.

Once Alucard was finished, he threw the bag of his shoulder and picked Trevor up. He rushed out of the Inn. Leaving the keys on the front desk. Alucard located his horse. He climbed on, Trevor now placed in his lap. And soon enough they were gone. Off into the night. Getting far away from that place.

I thought we were forever. I guess I was wrong. (Trevor x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now