Chapter 1

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Ben's pace quickened when he saw his wife come out of a patient's room. "I came as fast as I could. What's... What's going on? What's... Is... Are you okay? Is... Is Tuck okay?" He sighed when Miranda smirked. "Oh, okay, so not an emergency. Well... Well, can we talk about it over dinner?" He trudged behind her. "Because I'm starving, and that tandoori chicken at Monsoon on Main is calling my na—"

"I'm pregnant!" Miranda blurted out.

Ben's eyebrows raised on their own accord as his mouth dropped open. "But... you... you... y-you said you were going through menopause."

"Turns out a lot can be true at the same time." She chuckled anxiously. "It's crazy, right? And I know, we've... we've never talked about this, but I've been thinking about how much more prepared I am now compared to when I had Tuck. I was just a resident. I thought I knew everything, but basically knew, uh, nothing. But now I've got mad skills, nothing can stop me, and I kind of think this might be great and something that we'll have... together, right?" Miranda tried to search his face for a reaction, but, came up short. "Or... mm, am I wrong? Um, and it's okay if I'm... if, uh... I'm sorry. Uh... I've just been spinning all day waiting to tell you, and then I got stuck in the chamber—"

"Oh, we're having a baby!" Ben spun her around.

Miranda put a shaky hand on his chest. "Y-Yes. Oh, and nausea is a classic symptom of pregnancy... one more spin and we..."

"Oh." Ben's ghosted over her stomach before coming up to cup her face. "We're having a baby," he whispered.

"You happy?" She gasped when Ben pulled her into a hug again.

"Yeah." He glanced back when she waved off the nurses behind them. "Tell them. Tell them. Hey, hey. We're... We're having a baby. We're having a baby."

She swatted his shoulder lightly.


"Do you want anything for dinner?"

"I thought you wanted tandoori chicken?" Miranda turned slightly to look at him.

"Well that was before I knew you were carrying my baby and might have special requests."

"Stupid." She hit his shoulder. "I just want food. I really don't care what it is. I've been stuck in that chamber all day with nothing to eat."

"You didn't eat all day?"

"I had a muffin an hour ago."

"Oh no." Ben put the car in reverse. "My babies haven't eaten all day." He peeled out of Grey-Sloan's parking lot.


Miranda smiled softly as Ben crawled up the bed and laid his head on her stomach. "What?"

"Nothing." His fingers creeped over to her stomach. "You know how far along you are?"

"I have to schedule an appointment to get a better estimate."


"It's so crazy, everytime my mind is the furthest away from a baby I end up pregnant."

"You didn't plan for Tuck?"

"I planned before, then when I accepted the fact that I probably couldn't get pregnant, there was Tuck."

Ben hummed. "I never asked, are you happy?"

"I am, but— no wait, and terrified."

"You're terrified?"

"I'm in my mid 40s Ben. You're a medical professional, you know the many, many risks. I can have a miscarriage. I have a greater chance of developing gestational diabetes or pre eclampsia. Preterm labor—"

"Or... we get the best part about this - a baby. Our baby." He shimmied up until his face was a few centimeters from hers. "You're having our baby. That cancels out every risk and fear."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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