♔ ♔ ♔ instagram: the prince's return

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username 1: the prince is back 🩵

username 2: why'd you have to jump scare us like that in the last pic 😭
username 3: that's what i'm saying smh. had me almost scream in the middle of class

username 4: im better now that you posted

username 5: is that a studio behind you 👀
username 6: i was just about to ask the same thing
username 7: it looks like it. but i don't recognize it from any of his other posts. anyone know where it's from?
username 8: he recently signed with rebel entertainment. so it's probably one of theirs? but idk
username 9: ohhhh yea, i totally forgot about that
username 8: it was officially announced like two weeks ago... how'd you already forget

thejaxcoldren: so you have time to post on insta but don't have time to text me back? interesting 🤨
ryeom.daewon: i'm sorry dude :( my phones been off all day. i can call you like thirty minutes if your free now though?
thejaxcoldren: you've got thirty minutes exactly before i fly to korea just to punch you in your stupid face
ryeom.daewon: 🫡

username 10: i love you

username 11: isn't that kind of fast for him to be back in the studio? especially since he's been non-stop filming and doing promo for months now? it feels irresponsible of the ceo to let him work so soon...
username 12: um... no?
username 13: considering how well known this company is for taking care of their idols, i don't think there's anything for us to worry about. plus, daewon is a big boy who is more than capable of taking care of himself.
username 13: if i've learned anything about daewon since becoming a fan of his, it's that he wouldn't be doing anything that he didn't want or feel comfortable with. dude is not known for taking shit from anybody.

username 14: i've been waiting for this day since you first debuted <3
username 15: saaame. i've literally been foaming at the mouth to get some solo music from him and my dream might finally come true.

username 16: you suck
ryeom.daewon: and you swallow :o
ryeom.daewon: in all seriousness though, if your gonna take time out of your day to leave some stupid comment on my page the least you can do is try and keep it interesting. my little brother comes up with better insults than you.

username 17: omg won won, your back! i missed you so much 🥺
username 18: same 😣 i've been going through withdrawals because of how long it's been since he's posted anything 😭
ryeom.daewon: lol 😂
username18: did you just laugh at my pain? i feel offended 😒
ryeom.daewon: i'm sorry 🫢 if it makes you feel any better though, i missed you guys too 🩷

username 19: i don't get why everyone likes this guy so much. he sucked in phantom and i'm sure he'll suck even more on his own.

synerjay: new music?
ryeom.daewon: you'll just have to wait and see 🤷🏻‍♂️
synerjay: you say that like i don't already know the answer
ryeom.daewon: respectfully, stfu
synerjay: we love a respectful king

username 20: i would give both of my kidneys if it meant you'd drop some music right now

username 21: ily 🩷
ryeom.daewon: ily 2 🩵
username 21: omfg you replied :o

username 22: i'm doing pretty crappy now thanks to you. i'm so tired of seeing stuff about you everywhere. wish you would do everyone a favor and go back to whatever messed up place you came from.
username 23: wtf is wrong with you?
username 24: obviously a lot 🤷🏿‍♀️ how you gonna leave a hate comment on an account that you follow? and have been following for months.
username 22: what are you talking about?
username 24: don't act shy now, i recognize your username 👀

username 25: can't wait to hear what you're working on!
ryeom.daewon: neither can i. i think you guys are really gonna love it 😉

 i think you guys are really gonna love it 😉

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a/n: phantom belongs to BlueBirdie48  :)

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